Name: Jason Fielding
In-Game name: OHS
Age: 28
Location: Ashington, Northumberland, UK
Previous Planetside experience: A couple of years of Planetside on and off, Planetside 2 beta
Outfit history (if applicable):
No remarkable outfit history
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
Lots of MMO's - Wow/Eq2/D&D/Guild War 2
Battlefield 3
Day Z
Many many other games
Do you have a mic? yes/no:
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
I'm a positive, dedicated player with a good attitude towards team work.
I'm used to working with other members through voice comms for raids / Battlefield 3 matches
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit?
I've seen vids of the outfit online, you seem like an excellent group to be in. I'm looking for a casual but fun team to be a part of to work towards a common goal.
Your team work seems second to none, it's something I'd like to be involved in.
Improving my skills is something I like to strive towards and I'd like to learn from the best
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft
I mainly play infantry (Combat Medic / Engineer) but occasionally use ground vehicles. Need to work on my flying skills.
Anything else you'd like to add:
I've got a friend who I always play with, we're looking to join the outfit together if possible. We both work very well together.
He'll most likely be applying later on today. His username will probably be Trip
My main play times are Mon, Tues, Thurs and Friday evenings.
In-Game name: OHS
Age: 28
Location: Ashington, Northumberland, UK
Previous Planetside experience: A couple of years of Planetside on and off, Planetside 2 beta
Outfit history (if applicable):
No remarkable outfit history
Other (online) games you have played / achievements:
Lots of MMO's - Wow/Eq2/D&D/Guild War 2
Battlefield 3
Day Z
Many many other games
Do you have a mic? yes/no:
What you hope to bring to BRTD:
I'm a positive, dedicated player with a good attitude towards team work.
I'm used to working with other members through voice comms for raids / Battlefield 3 matches
What made you choose this outfit over any other organized outfit?
I've seen vids of the outfit online, you seem like an excellent group to be in. I'm looking for a casual but fun team to be a part of to work towards a common goal.
Your team work seems second to none, it's something I'd like to be involved in.
Improving my skills is something I like to strive towards and I'd like to learn from the best
What is your preferred play style: Infantry/Armour/Aircraft
I mainly play infantry (Combat Medic / Engineer) but occasionally use ground vehicles. Need to work on my flying skills.
Anything else you'd like to add:
I've got a friend who I always play with, we're looking to join the outfit together if possible. We both work very well together.
He'll most likely be applying later on today. His username will probably be Trip
My main play times are Mon, Tues, Thurs and Friday evenings.