Sick leave


BRTD Member
Sep 28, 2014
Greetings fellow outfit members,

I find it only fitting to post this message due to my sudden drop in activity that has recently gone from at least 3 hours a day to not logging in at all. That was due to me spending a couple of days at a local hospital where I have been found an extremely large cyst that is currently pressing one of my lungs and thus I am not able to breathe properly. The good news is that it is not cancer but I was told by the specialist to not have any kind of major excitement due to the fact that I am not able to breathe as usual and thus I have decided to drop Planetside 2 until I get the surgery done and this nasty cyst removed. I am scheduled to have surgery on February 18th so I guess I will be able to play again probably at the very end of the month. In case I do not come anytime soon though, it will also be because of real-life issues since there is a lot going on in my life (I am moving to Taiwan on September) and thus I am extremely busy.

Last but not least, I just would like to reassure you that my health is no cause for concern so please do not worry at all, it will only waste your time :) .

Kill lots of smurfies and barneys for me, will you? ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2010
Get Well soon mate - Don;t worry we will kick the auraxis arse in your honour