
New Member
Dec 3, 2012
So I've been playing with brtd for a while now and when I first started I really enjoyed it. The mix of getting shit done and having fun was perfect. Nowadays I can only play one or two days a week and the amount of people not listening and just doing whatever the hell the feel like instead of working together which I thought was the whole point of this game has gotten really really bad to the point where my enjoyment is going down significantly.

The only thing that I can think of to help with this problem is to have THE LIST. If commanders notice some players are repeatedly not obeying orders or just generally being dickish in a manner that is not helpful then they go on THE LIST. People placed on the list get a notification or a private chat from one of the leaders that they need to shape up.

If the change is not forthcoming then... Kicking from the outfit seems a bit extreme but I'm hoping that a pointed note that their behaviour is adversly affecting the outfit as a whole would be enough. We are all supposed to be adults on this outfit.

It's not hard just listen and when the fighting gets heavy maybe time to quiet down a bit


You know. I'm gonna be honest here. I'm sick of seeing these passive aggressive threads appearing on the forums from people basically stating 'if things don't change' ultimatums.

I know you may think this is a great idea. But as you say we're Adults here. If you have a problem with individuals within the outfit. Either talk to them directly, frankly and in private or speak to an officer / outfit leader to ask them to do it for you.

All these types of threads are creating is inaction and nothing will be done about it. Eventually you or someone else will leave as you have hinted in your op.

Am I encouraging you to name and shame? No I'm asking everyone with the outfit to take responsibility for their own feelings, emotions and deal with it, like any adult should.


^ Exactly what Frymewiththeeggs said.

Failing that....

[quote="Stubek" post=17457]Recently it was bring to my attention that we react in childish way after getting killed and verbally lash out.

Ruining BRTD reputation by reacting in that way will not be tolerated, reports of this kind will result in warning and ultimately /gkick by yours trully.

No quarrels in /y with NC TR and VS. Doesnt mean you cant speak with people, just dont qq,moan or insult others.

No offensive /tell msgs. I dont care if he cheated, gangbanged you, raped your dog or whatever, thou shall not insult, wish cancer, assess their mothers love life status,...

No unwarranted TKing. TKing consensual adults in jest does not count (nice try)

Not that we had issues so far but BRTD members also wont use exploits, hacks,...

Also please report detrimental behavior to your favorite commissar Stubek.

List will be made with warnings for CoC(k) breakers, three strikes and your out kind. So far we have one cock breaker...

1. Madgelo - 1 warning (/tell nerd raging after getting killed, multiple times, reported by respected enemy with scrshots to back the claims + we all know he is mad dog sometimes but i know we still like him)[/quote]

Now that points towards people being dicks in local but its relevant to this post.

Also please report detrimental behavior to your favorite commissar Stubek.

List will be made with warnings for CoC(k) breakers, three strikes and your out kind. So far we have one cock breaker...


New Member
Dec 3, 2012
I don't have a problem with any one person it was just an idea to wrangle the number of dots wiggling around the map, and I don't think it's a great idea it's just a wee tinkly thought in the back of my head.


Staff member
Community Leader
Feb 14, 2012
[quote="CapnPolyester" post=17668]I take it all back I just had a really great session, must have just been having an off day[/quote]

LOL, that made me laugh Capn. Please try and think things through before posting. I know that we all can get a little irritated, I get that. I do agree with Fry however. If there are issues as in your OP, either talk to them in a seperate channel or notify an officer.


New Member
Dec 3, 2012
I'm acutally just trying to figure out how to delete this thread because you guys are right it's not helpful, I was just being a bitch so apologies.


Staff member
Community Leader
Feb 14, 2012
It is persistent unless a moderator deletes it. I could, but I think it is best to leave it up as a lesson for other members. Not leaving it to shame you Capn, just that other members can learn that if they have issues, please talk to an officer first. It's all good Capn.


think we should have a naughty and nice list.

sharpes already down for 1x lump of coal for next crimbo.