Undetermeined length abscence


New Member
Oct 26, 2012
Due to the rouge storm hitting the eastern seaboard of the USA i am unsure of how long i will be absent from the game. I hope this will not have to massive an effect on my two week trial but there is no certainty i will have power or when it will come back. Although i am central to where the storm will hit i hope that the damage will not be to severe and i will be able to return to playing ASAP. Wish me luck cause from what they are saying im gonna need it. Try not to lose to many territories while im gone and hopefully ill still be rolling out with you in a week if not, say some goodbyes over mumble (although no one really knows me yet) and get on with playing.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2014
Thanks for letting us know man, all the best whatever happens and stay safe!


New Member
Oct 26, 2012
So, the storm has passed and i am safe but ive run into a wee bit of a problem again... my hard drive enclosure that holds my planetside 2 data broke so i am ordering a new one ASAP and yet again i am not sure how long this will take either. luckily they are cheap the only problem that could arise is they ship it late so i will yet again see you at a future time.

i really wish this hadent happened cause it makes me feel as if i am just coming up with excuse after excuse and it doesnt feel good. hopefully i will be able to pick back up in my 2 week trial before it is technically completed. i dont wanna hav to be judged on the total of 2 maybe 3 hours i was able to play with you guys. if i m judged on those howeer i might say i did pretty freakin awesome, if i do say so myself.

:angry: at hard drive enclosure :oops: to doing this again and :evil: to my enemies apon my return to the great Terran Republic


It'll be fine mate, heck, you were hit by a Hurricane, we understand that issues will arise. Return when you're ready and sorted. :)