Outfit News Want to join the Air Wing?


Potato Simulator
Oct 2, 2012
Are you a newly joined recruit with flair for flying, or are you a grumpy old vet who has secret untold passion for flying?
In both cases, why not take your flying to another level? Join BRTD’s Air Wing and conquer the sky! Kick some fishheads, punch some smurfs, bring unity to Auraxis through hellfire bombs raining from above, purge the land from rebels and send the religious fanatics back to their maker.

What is the Air Wing?
The Air Wing of BRTD is specialized section of the outfit that focuses on supporting its ground troops, by aiding them from the skies. This can be in the form of bombing runs, setting up aerial no-flight-zones and escorting galaxy drops, amongst other things.
We have a high focus on team play and clear communication, since we are flying around bases with a velocity of 240 km/h, we have little room for errors and 2nd chances, everything has to be done the first time, else it proves to have fatal consequences for both ourselves, but also for the ground reapers we are supporting.
The Air Wing is led by me, with unofficial help from Pointy (assisting leading during ops) and YamiNoTenshi (advanced knowledge of aerial gameplay).

What can you expect from Air Wing?
If you decide to join the Air Wing you’ll be part of a team of highly skilled pilots, dedicated to operating from the skies, striking down on our foes with swift and raw brutal power.
Unlike most other outfits who uses their aircraft in a very two dimensional way, only using them to farm kills or as a measure of transport to quickly get back into action. The Air Wing brings the aerial gameplay to another level; we strike at key targets in coordinated attacks, removing enemy sunderers from the game, allowing our ground troops to freely move into a base. We take down the targets that ground forces won’t have a chance of getting anywhere near, we bring down the enemy aircrafts that harasses our forces and we bring death and destruction to the battlefield.

What does the Air Wing expect from you?
The Air Wing has a few rules which it expect all of its pilots to follow, breaking these rules will mean you’ll quickly be removed from the Air Wing and denied access.

-Do not deny the enemy XP in form of bailing out of your aircraft midflight or suicide crashing.
BRTD keeps its reputation in high regards, bailing out of your aircraft when you are about to be shot down by a foe, makes you and the BRTD clan tag appear as spineless cowards. If you fly with us, you die with honor.

-Show dedication
The Air Wing expect all of its pilots to show dedication toward the aerial gameplay, it expects that you are trying to improve yourself, becoming the best you can be.
If you genuinely care about flying this won’t be hard to do, but it’s expected of you that if you are asked to train your skill in a certain area e.g. Dogfighting or A2G bombing runs that you try and train those.
The dedication we are after if the one that is shown through enjoyment of the game and not how many hours you can sink into the game. If you are only able to fly 10 minutes a day, but you enjoy all of those 10 minutes and try to learn everything that you can from it, then you are even more useful to use than a person who can sink 8 hours into this game every day.

-Team play
We are a close hardcore group of pilots, therefore it’s expected that you are able to follow orders and play as team while flying with the Air Wing. We’re not after lone wolfs or killwhores, we look for pilots we can rely on to be constantly watching their mates back. We often fly over enemy territory and have no others to rely on, than our own group, we need to know that each pilot is with us at all times.

What equipment should I use?
Having the right tools for the job is always important. However we don’t have any strict requirements on certs and gear you need to run with. We only expect that you use a setup you are comfortable with, which gives a good degree of utility (still being able to dogfight if you are flying as an A2G mossy) and survivability.
Beyond that everything is up to you; however Flares, armor, dogfighting frame and the M18 Rotary nosegun is a good starter setup for your mossy, if you are new in the air.

When does the Air Wing operate?
The Air Wing got 2 dates it regularly operates on.
Every Saturday at 8 pm GMT we run flight ops.
Every Wednesday at 8 pm GMT we run Air Wing training. (Having the PS2 test server downloaded is a requirement as we often use that server to fight and test builds against players, with no downsides).
Besides those two dates the Air Wing can be found active during some evenings from 7-10 pm Gmt, these nights happens when enough pilots are online that the Air Wing can be formed (roughly 6 or more).

How do I join?
If you are interested in join please fill out the form below and post it as a reply to this thread. Beyond that just show up and join the Air Wing whenever it’s active.
Remember, the Air Wing greets all pilots, skill is not a requirement. You can be the worst pilot on the server and you can still join us.

Roughly total time in the air:
(Please categorize your personal skills in the following 4 categorizes, with poor/average/good)
Lib piloting:
Lib gunning:
A2G Mossy:
A2A Mossy:

P.S. Can this thread get stickyed? Would be nice to have a thread to send new recruits over to if they label themselves as pilots in their application. :)


Jun 2, 2013
Name: MarseeeTR
Roughly total time in the air: 120+ hours in libs and reaver/mossie
(Please categorize your personal skills in the following 4 categorizes, with poor/average/good)
Lib piloting: Good
Lib gunning: Good
A2G Mossy: Average - don't have rocket pods as TR but cant still pick off infantry if needed
A2A Mossy: Average/Good


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2012
Go join this, guys. I've had the pleasure of doing ops/trainings with the Air Wing and I can tell you from my heart that what Wolfman109 and his team are doing is awesome. You WILL become a better pilot, even if you fly for shit now, and the level of organization within this division is just there with the best outfit play has to offer.


BRTD Member
Sep 28, 2014
Name: Soulafein
Roughly total time in the air: About 20 hours
Lib piloting: Poor
Lib gunning: Good (I am actually VERY GOOD :p)
A2G Mossy: Average
A2A Mossy: Average

Note: I hardly ever fly with an A2A mossy but I am usually able to put up a decent fight against the high BR's and I usually kill the lower BR's when dogfighting both in A2A and A2G mossies.


New Member
Sep 1, 2013
Add Galaxies and you can sign me up :)
(Well given the age of the thread this is probably a bit on the backburner)

Name: Greenies
Roughly total time in the air: 107h according to player stats
Lib piloting: Good
Lib gunning: Average
A2G Mossy: Good
A2A Mossy: Average -- Reavers make me cringe, scythes make me rejoice most of the time :)


New Member
Aug 12, 2013
Roughly total time in the air: about 50h
(Please categorize your personal skills in the following 4 categorizes, with poor/average/good)
Lib piloting:Average
Lib gunning:Averge
A2G Mossy:Good
A2A Mossy:Averge

Zero Jee

Nov 2, 2014
It'd be great to get an air wing up and running again!

Name: ZeroJee
Roughly total time in the air: 125h
Lib piloting: Good
Lib gunning: Good
A2G Mossy: Good
A2A Mossy: Poor

*Galaxies: Ace (Except that one time! :p )


Tanks = PEW PEW
BRTD Member
Jul 8, 2013
Name: MrWily18
Roughly total time in the air: About 150+ Hours
(Please categorize your personal skills in the following 4 categorizes, with poor/average/good)
Lib piloting:Good
Lib gunning:less than average
A2G Mossy: Great
A2A Mossy: Comfortable (Could be better)


Jun 23, 2013
Name: ApeAsylum
Roughly total time in the air: 21 Hours
Lib piloting: Average
Lib gunning: Average
A2G Mossy: Very Good (its what i do :D )
A2A Mossy: Average (i would like to get better)

Any help on getting my mossy Rotary more accurate against Air units would be great.


Well-Known Member
Community Leader
Aug 21, 2013
Name: IrathiTR
Roughly total time in the air: about 41 minutes
(Please categorize your personal skills in the following 4 categorizes, with poor/average/good)
Lib piloting: poor
Lib gunning: poor
A2G Mossy poor
A2A Mossy: poor

In general I'm shit with my mossy, but I used to kick ass with reavers/mossies in PS1. So I'd really like to learn to fly it. I've unlocked pretty much everything for it, except the cert required ones.

My current biggest problem is that it feels like the aim of the mossie either moves way to little or way to much. Like you have to twitch it a bit to make it move then it flies.


Like to kill every mutha fecker in the room ;-)
Staff member
Dec 18, 2012
Best place to practice is the VR mate. Its takes hours to learn to fly and then it whats best for you. I can give you some pointers when I am next.



Nov 10, 2013
Name: Mellowlite

Roughly total time in the air: 15 hours on my TR, but 21+ in total

Lib piloting: poor
Lib gunning: average
A2G Mossy: good
A2A Mossy: average

When flying, I usually specialize in taking down ground targets. My current Mossie is using a hover stability airframe and is equipped with Hellfire Rockets and Rotary. I usually do a good job taking out ground targets, and my maneuvering skills, as well as my low flying/collision avoiding skills, are quite good too.
When it comes to A2A though, it's easy to notice I am no VET. In a 1v1 dogfight where I get engaged on by a hostile, I'll most likely go down with my plane or barely escape. The other way around can be different though.
Once I have fully upgraded my Mossy Armor, I'll start certing my flares further. All this while of course practicing to become a better pilot.

I am not a Lib pilot, and I have not put any certs into my Lib. Some day I wish to make it a viable pick for me and my teammates (once I get to cert it and learn it). Right now I will focus on the ESF.

Also, what would you, more skilled pilots say is the best airframe/specializations when focusing on entirely A2A? I think the hover frame works wonders in A2G and as a balanced pick, but I'd love to hear your opinions


Mar 23, 2014
Name: Fijapowa
Roughly total time in the air: 156 h in a mossie and around 30h in a lib
(Please categorize your personal skills in the following 4 categorizes, with poor/average/good)
Lib piloting: good
Lib gunning: poor
A2G Mossy: good
A2A Mossy: good


Potato Simulator
Oct 2, 2012
Yes, The Air Wing is very much alive and active, we're always looking for new pilots to join our ranks.
When ingame just jump down into the "Air Wing" channel on mumble and join the ingame squad as well (normally Charlie or Delta) and get ready to fly to the hammering tunes of "Danger Zone", every minute, of every day, all year..



Hurter of feelings.
Jan 20, 2013
Directly under the earth's sun.......now.
[quote="Wolfman109" post=33498]Yes, The Air Wing is very much alive and active, we're always looking for new pilots to join our ranks.
When ingame just jump down into the "Air Wing" channel on mumble and join the ingame squad as well (normally Charlie or Delta) and get ready to fly to the hammering tunes of "Danger Zone", every minute, of every day, all year..

... DANGER ZONE!!![/quote]

Just change your name to Maverick already.


.... I am not going to watch that movie yet. Doesn't matter how many times you remind me of it :(


Let's drop the Beat!
Jan 12, 2013
[quote="CptGoose" post=33505].... I am not going to watch that movie yet. Doesn't matter how many times you remind me of it :([/quote]

You must have seen this one?



New Member
Feb 6, 2014
Name: Athanasios2104
Roughly total time in the air: 223h mos, 13h lib
Lib piloting: Good
Lib gunning: Average[sup]1[/sup]
A2G Mossy: Good[sup]2[/sup]
A2A Mossy: Good

[sup]1[/sup] I take "good" stands for mid-air dalton/shredder kills.
[sup]2[/sup] I used to fly A2G all the time, but then i took an arrow to the knee... by SOE (aka pods turned into lolpods and it gets worse by each patch :angry: ). Now i find myself flying mostly with A2A, since neither Hornets do the job atm.


Active Member
BRTD Member
Apr 14, 2014
Name: CyrixBlack
Roughly total time in the air: 6h
Lib piloting: It's a flying shoe... Bad
Lib gunning: GOOD!!!
A2G Mossy: I kill more friendly forces...
A2A Mossy: I'm like a ninja in the night ready to strike, then I crash...
Galaxies: only killed 2 full BRTD squads so far, crash rate decreasing!

You need me because I make others look good, I await your highest rank!

Sent from my phone via my thumbs which smell of cheese today.