New profile posts

New free flight period in Star Citizen until March 20th! Sign up now and try the game out! Remember to use a referral code! - STAR-NQQ3-GJVS
Roll, roll, roll your joint twist it at the end, take a puff, that's enough and pass it to a friend.
So much works.. Need to stop adulting for like, a week..
Yes, come back and play with us in the planetside sandbox <3
Sorry for the recent mess on the front page - I'm a newb at featuring threads and image sizes etc. FIXED NOW! :)
Sorry for the direct comms - but I have looked for the thread discussing how to increase FPS for PS2 in here - I thought there used to be one - I have tried other posts but none seem to work well. Any help would be great - thanks!
Let's just say - some interesting life changes - - - and no I didn't pull a Katelin Jenner - sorry Colin.