A few nooby questions to improve my gameplay... :)


Active Member
Dec 17, 2012
Smoke is the best friend of your entire platoon. What you're trying to achieve is blinding the enemy whilst giving your team mates breathing space to do what they need. Always try and hit the smoke on or just in front of the enemy. Hitting a vehicle means the smoke sticks, and they can't see a thing (I had it happen to me in a prowler and I was quickly taken out), so be careful if you want to block out the spawn building but catch a vehicle instead. I tend to find cover, lay an ammo pack and then mortar fire it where I need. Only two smokes will materialise at any time, but counting to ten means you can launch a third to renew the first one. Another thing, at close range (and I mean about less than 10 feet) hitting infantry with it is an instant kill (not sure if I've killed a heavy though) but friendly fire means your team mates don't suffer as much if they suddenly jump in front of you. I have a macro key on my mouse bound to switching to smoke and firing, meaning in a pinch you can use it as a single use shotgun. Also, if the grenade doesn't travel a minimum distance or hit something hard then it won't produce smoke, but if you miss that VS or NC infantryman then you have a cloud of squid ink to use your NV scope with.
Oh, and enemy MAX crashes hate smoke. No options for NV for them at all. ;)


New Member
Jan 27, 2013
lots of usefull advice here guys, thnax. Been thinking of upgrading to a better eng/LA weapon and wether trac S or lynx/jag would be better for me. Just wondering if the lynx/jag are worth the extra 500 certs, but good advice here. Think I'll do the free trial of the AMR-66 later ;)

The 1 piece of advice I havent seen given here (sry if I missed it) for vehicles, especially the sunderer, is get a few ranks in mineguard. Its pretty cheap and it lets you survive mines and as you're engi you can just jump out and rep back up. (tbh most ppl are engi when they pull a vehicle) Also the ammo supply abillity for the sunderer can get you lots of xp/certs. Deploy an ammo + AMS sunderer near a tank seige and you can get so many points from reloading them and u can rep them as they are near your bus to reload while also getting spawn xp from everyone that spawns at your bus.

and about the suit slot I love the flak armour on my medic and engi especially. As support I'm usually out of direct line of fire and its mostly grenades and other random explosions that kill me and flak armour has saved me on thousands of occasions now. For engi when you go to rep a generator or any of the objectives most of the time someone has left a claymore there to kill the engi comming to fix it and with flak you survive it. And ofc you should leave a claymore or 2 in return after you fixed it to kill the first guy comming to recap it ;)

you said you dont like the infil at all (like me) but I have found a couple of ranks in the infil hacking ability very usefull in the right situation. When attacking a base I sometimes swap into infil to hack a vehicle point or some turrets. Spending less time standing still while hakcing them is allways a good thing. Also hacking lets you use it to say pull a new sundy when your squads sundy gets taken out while it also stops the enemy from pulling vehicles. And tbh nothing is as satisfying as killing enemy vehicles with their own turrets :p

Oh yeah 1 thing I have learned this week when defending a tower like the crown etc, enemies love pod dropping to the top or light assaults jetpack up there. I love mannign a AA turret there and a claymore either side of the walkway round the tower leading to the turre will get you loads of kills plus it usually stops them C4ing the turet you're in or hacking the turret you are in aswell. When placed right they also cover the way onto/off the 2 landing pads either side of your turret. Great claymore spot!!!!

and you prolly already know this but when you're about to lose a base and the spawn room will flip there are usually loads of noobs charging straight in to get the last few kills. I love dropping a few tank mines near the entrances with a claymore a bit behind so when the claymore is tripped it blows the tnk mines up aswell. This also moves the trip point farther back so more ppl have entered and are standing on the tank mines ;) soo many free kills :p


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
[quote="Mokushi" post=13664]Hello, in order to sustain from flooding Mumble with questions, I am going to write a few questions here, so you guys can probably help explaining.

As you may have noticed, I play strictly Engineer, and SOMETIMES, depending on the amount of air crafts, Heavy Assault. Now, I have a few questions, while I am still new and haven't wasted much cert points...

- [ENGINEER] I have the Trac-5 S rifle, upgraded to the max (Compensator, Forward Grip, High Velocity Ammo and Reflex Optics). I am usually aiming for the head with this one, but in close quarters I just hold the LMB and spray, most of the times it works, do you guys have a more tested method of shooting with a similar gun in order to improve the Kill ratio? I'm not always sure if I am aiming the right way (most of the times I have to shoot at enemies that are pretty far away, yet I bought HV bullets, so distant enemies should die more often than before, right?)

- [ENGINEER] I have bought the tank mine, which replaces ammo, which sucks. However, I am not sure what else should I concentrate on to be more effective in-game... Tank mines seem very useful, especially with Sundies and Tanks trying to invade our bases, already killed 3 sundies with just 2 mines. Grenades suck however, every time I throw one, it always bounces off some unusual way from the ceiling and kills someone on the team, fuck that, how do you throw those shits anyway...

- [UNIVERSAL CERTS] I bought once the Restoration kit, but I am not sure how to activate it. I couldn't find the action specific button in the controls... any help?

- [CERTS] Is there anything I should concentrate on while distributing CERTS, for my ENGI or my HEAVY, the only other class I enjoy playing is Medic (Infiltrators are a dick class, sorry, but it's just backstabbing all the time, don't like it)

- [VEHICLES] What do I do to switch seats on purpose with some other player, for example, I might have bought a Galaxy, but since I haven't flown much, I wouldn't like to crash it, like an Italian captain, I might want to lend it to someone better at flying, which reminds me, any tips in how to annoy the enemy via a Mosquito or Liberator, what is the difference between both?

Thanks in advance! :D[/quote]

Ok here are a few tips and tricks when fighting in close quarters, some of which may be classed as dirty tactics but LOADS of people use them anyway.

If you're at mid range and you're shooting at someone while AMS allot of people tap left and right ("A" and "D"). Now even though you may think you're not moving very much when tapping left and right you are in-fact moving a considerable amount and it makes you very hard to hit! This is considered a dirty tactic (at-least I think it is, but hay if it works for you go for it)

When in close quarters what I do is simply hip fire my gun and strafe around the target 99% of the time the guy cant keep you in sight and he dies horribly.

Next I would change your main gun! Now I know allot of people like the trac 5 s but actually its rubbish compared to the jaguar! Get the Jag and fit it with an advanced laser sight and watch people fall before your awesome hip firing DPS! Also don't be scared to utilize your knife! if its really close quarters shoot a bit and finish him off with the knife.

Anyway that's a few tips from me make of them what you will. Hope it helps.



[quote="Sharpe" post=13747]

Ok here are a few tips and tricks when fighting in close quarters, some of which may be classed as dirty tactics but LOADS of people use them anyway.

If you're at mid range and you're shooting at someone while AMS allot of people tap left and right ("A" and "D"). Now even though you may think you're not moving very much when tapping left and right you are in-fact moving a considerable amount and it makes you very hard to hit! This is considered a dirty tactic (at-least I think it is, but hay if it works for you go for it)


Speaking of 'dirty tricks' to do when under various conditions the tapping of A and D does throw off many players aims reassuringly well most of the time.

Another little trick I'm fond of doing, that I got from older fps games, was to crouch when someone first fires at you whilst your moving.
Majority of players do aim high chest/head region and if you crouch at the right time the first few rounds fired will miss you, letting you get the first hits in the fight.

The downside to this is if you run into a player that aims mid low on the body as crouching will just help him hit your head and you die quicker. But it's a funky little move that I do quite often when running around in close quarters.


New Member
Jan 27, 2013
[quote="Sharpe" post=13747]
If you're at mid range and you're shooting at someone while AMS allot of people tap left and right ("A" and "D"). Now even though you may think you're not moving very much when tapping left and right you are in-fact moving a considerable amount and it makes you very hard to hit! This is considered a dirty tactic (at-least I think it is, but hay if it works for you go for it)

When in close quarters what I do is simply hip fire my gun and strafe around the target 99% of the time the guy cant keep you in sight and he dies horribly.


thats considered dirty tactics? its been a staple of every fps I have ever played! Perfected it in DoD with a rifle to ping ppl round corners :p

About the hip fire and strafe, it really does work!!! and yes usually they wont keep up and therefore miss you. If you find they are keeping up just switch direction, it'll lose them for that possibly vital split sec.

So sharpe you'd say the jag or lynx is worth the extra 500 certs? I do love my nade launcher on my medic for the versatility and can see the smoke launcher being usefull on both engi and LA but I dont know if that usefullness outweighs having a better primary weapon over the kinda shitty trac S. In the end I do use the rifle part far farm ore than the launcher part. Although for my play style I think I'd lean more to the lynx for my engi/light assault as I tend to play more from range. Tbh so far I have foun the basic trac 5 with fore grip and 2x reflex ok but now that I'm starting to get some certs and engi/LA are my 2nd and 3rd most played I am thinking of upgrading. Wish they could use the TMG 50 as thats a gun I will deff unlock at some point (trialed it and loved it, perfect fit for my style) eventhough I dont use the heavy very much.

EDIT and yes I know u <3 the TRV for the medic and its on my shopping list, just need a few other bits 1st ;)


BRTD Member
Mar 2, 2013
Ok, I am now thoroughly pissed I wasted more than 500 certs on the Trac 5 S, although I really bought it out of advice from you guys again. I am reading the LC Jaguar specs and it really seems better for cutting down enemies at close quarters, but that also means I will have to generate certs like crazy again...
So, Jaguar with laser pointer sounds nice, perhaps the only complaint I am having with Trac 5 S is that I have to hit an enemy NUMEROUS times,
last evening, when we were getting raped in Mani Bio Labs, I made 4 clean shots straight to the head of some guy 100 meters afar, and not only did he not die, I think I took him like... 20% of his health... AND I HAVE HIGH VELOCITY AMMO upgrade, WTF!?
Why does the Trac tickle enemies instead of sending them straight to hell?
Another thing I saw that is total suckage is how sometimes enemies shoot me ONCE with a f*cking SMG and it's game over, not sure what kind of SMG they are using, but obviously, they insta kill me.
I've put a smoke grenade and Night Vision on my Trac S and I made a lot of kills yesterday, breaking and entering or simply sniping them thru the smoke, but the Trac has very low damage... I know the game is made to require more than one shot to kill someone, but while I waste an entire magazine on some shitty Heavy Assault, he just insta kills me with those imbalanced SMGs...

Oh, and by the way, I have bought the Hailstorm SMG, used it once, killed a few folks, it was fun, but I prefer mid-long range combat, feels more realistic :)

To be honest, I enjoy playing with the Trac 5 S, but I am not really sure if I just suck using it, or if the damage I do is really low. Also, without aiming, it is almost impossible to kill anything, even in close range... (not saying I havent done it a dozen of times, but comparing to the much smaller amount of bullets required to take ME down, it feels a bit unfair) :/