[quote="Mokushi" post=13664]Hello, in order to sustain from flooding Mumble with questions, I am going to write a few questions here, so you guys can probably help explaining.
As you may have noticed, I play strictly Engineer, and SOMETIMES, depending on the amount of air crafts, Heavy Assault. Now, I have a few questions, while I am still new and haven't wasted much cert points...
- [ENGINEER] I have the Trac-5 S rifle, upgraded to the max (Compensator, Forward Grip, High Velocity Ammo and Reflex Optics). I am usually aiming for the head with this one, but in close quarters I just hold the LMB and spray, most of the times it works, do you guys have a more tested method of shooting with a similar gun in order to improve the Kill ratio? I'm not always sure if I am aiming the right way (most of the times I have to shoot at enemies that are pretty far away, yet I bought HV bullets, so distant enemies should die more often than before, right?)
- [ENGINEER] I have bought the tank mine, which replaces ammo, which sucks. However, I am not sure what else should I concentrate on to be more effective in-game... Tank mines seem very useful, especially with Sundies and Tanks trying to invade our bases, already killed 3 sundies with just 2 mines. Grenades suck however, every time I throw one, it always bounces off some unusual way from the ceiling and kills someone on the team, fuck that, how do you throw those shits anyway...
- [UNIVERSAL CERTS] I bought once the Restoration kit, but I am not sure how to activate it. I couldn't find the action specific button in the controls... any help?
- [CERTS] Is there anything I should concentrate on while distributing CERTS, for my ENGI or my HEAVY, the only other class I enjoy playing is Medic (Infiltrators are a dick class, sorry, but it's just backstabbing all the time, don't like it)
- [VEHICLES] What do I do to switch seats on purpose with some other player, for example, I might have bought a Galaxy, but since I haven't flown much, I wouldn't like to crash it, like an Italian captain, I might want to lend it to someone better at flying, which reminds me, any tips in how to annoy the enemy via a Mosquito or Liberator, what is the difference between both?
Thanks in advance!
Ok here are a few tips and tricks when fighting in close quarters, some of which may be classed as dirty tactics but LOADS of people use them anyway.
If you're at mid range and you're shooting at someone while AMS allot of people tap left and right ("A" and "D"). Now even though you may think you're not moving very much when tapping left and right you are in-fact moving a considerable amount and it makes you very hard to hit! This is considered a dirty tactic (at-least I think it is, but hay if it works for you go for it)
When in close quarters what I do is simply hip fire my gun and strafe around the target 99% of the time the guy cant keep you in sight and he dies horribly.
Next I would change your main gun! Now I know allot of people like the trac 5 s but actually its rubbish compared to the jaguar! Get the Jag and fit it with an advanced laser sight and watch people fall before your awesome hip firing DPS! Also don't be scared to utilize your knife! if its really close quarters shoot a bit and finish him off with the knife.
Anyway that's a few tips from me make of them what you will. Hope it helps.