[quote="Mokushi" post=13664]Hello, in order to sustain from flooding Mumble with questions, I am going to write a few questions here, so you guys can probably help explaining.
As you may have noticed, I play strictly Engineer, and SOMETIMES, depending on the amount of air crafts, Heavy Assault. Now, I have a few questions, while I am still new and haven't wasted much cert points...
- [ENGINEER] I have the Trac-5 S rifle, upgraded to the max (Compensator, Forward Grip, High Velocity Ammo and Reflex Optics). I am usually aiming for the head with this one, but in close quarters I just hold the LMB and spray, most of the times it works, do you guys have a more tested method of shooting with a similar gun in order to improve the Kill ratio? I'm not always sure if I am aiming the right way (most of the times I have to shoot at enemies that are pretty far away, yet I bought HV bullets, so distant enemies should die more often than before, right?)
- [ENGINEER] I have bought the tank mine, which replaces ammo, which sucks. However, I am not sure what else should I concentrate on to be more effective in-game... Tank mines seem very useful, especially with Sundies and Tanks trying to invade our bases, already killed 3 sundies with just 2 mines. Grenades suck however, every time I throw one, it always bounces off some unusual way from the ceiling and kills someone on the team, fuck that, how do you throw those shits anyway...
- [UNIVERSAL CERTS] I bought once the Restoration kit, but I am not sure how to activate it. I couldn't find the action specific button in the controls... any help?
- [CERTS] Is there anything I should concentrate on while distributing CERTS, for my ENGI or my HEAVY, the only other class I enjoy playing is Medic (Infiltrators are a dick class, sorry, but it's just backstabbing all the time, don't like it)
- [VEHICLES] What do I do to switch seats on purpose with some other player, for example, I might have bought a Galaxy, but since I haven't flown much, I wouldn't like to crash it, like an Italian captain, I might want to lend it to someone better at flying, which reminds me, any tips in how to annoy the enemy via a Mosquito or Liberator, what is the difference between both?
Thanks in advance!
First off improving a kill ratio is not simply down to how well you can aim, or spray, or what you have on what weapon. It's down to movement, fore thought, ideas and a constant eye on the mini-map to where hostiles maybe lurking if seen.
You can have the best aim in the world but if your positioning is poor it will still get you killed on a regular basis.
Ways to improve this:
Pay attention how where you are when a fire fight starts
Distance to the spawn rooms
Objectives that your near
Space around you
Any terrain that is higher or lower than you
Reason am mentioning this is that I'm getting a little tired of listening to players talk about what weapon is best or what is the better addon and bla bla bla. (This is not aimed at you directly btw Mokushi but at everyone.)
You'll find those of us with quite healthy k/d ratios have those because we PUT ourselves into an advantageous position.
For example if you know your aim is good but it takes you that little bit longer to get to aiming at a target then your more likely to be hit first. Using cover, or been close to cover blocks line of sight to the target. This is useful if you feel your not comfortable getting the shots off and gives you a place to retreat.
Keeping an eye on the mini-map also helps with prediction style shots. Knowing that someone is nearby, or around the corner, gives you the advantage in terms of pre-fire - firing before you clear round the corner.
If the mini-map has many hostiles on it then firing your weapon when out numbered will only draw them towards you quicker.
Distance to spawn rooms is as it sounds. The 2 targets you just dropped will be spawning after a few seconds, along with all those who also died recently, the targets that you took down WILL know your last location. You should rarely stay in 1 position for long if you can help it. Only times that you need to stay in 1 location is for defensive work or if watching a specific objective. If in an attacking phase then fire and move and don't reload your weapon every single time you fire 10 rounds - that reload could also kill you, but you also want to avoid the click of death. (empty mag and close range target)
Distance to objectives is also similar to spawn rooms due to knowing that it will more than likely be defended. How many friendlies are around you at this time depends on what actions should be taken.
Same can be said if you are in the middle of a courtyard with raised positions are you. It's far easier to shoot down than it is to shoot up, apart from snipers, so keep that in mind when moving.
CERTS - buy into things that help you with your style of play!
That's it!
No secret tips or buying habits, only get what you need to do your job.
If you lack accuracy at a closer range then look at the closer ranged scopes. If your getting nailed by distant targets then think "do I need to get a longer ranged scope, longer ranged weapon or should I just use cover to close the distance to the target"
When as an Eng on the ground and I see a long hostile that is aiming at me I move to cover then I move from cover to cover until I get into a range I can nail the ***t at.
Have only 1 C4 and need another to kill a sunderer then answer is obvious - cert the 2nd.
Lot of time it's only by looking at how YOU play and what you feel are YOUR limitations can you cert into those weaker areas.
Eng is my primary used kit cause am almost always airborne, but I still maintain a healthy k/d on the ground due to knowing that my limitations with that weapon (T5 AMC) I am more effective at close to close medium ranges. I also use the Advanced shield capacitor which recharges the shield quicker.
Why? Cause of my movement and positioning I know I am likely to take a few hits whilst engaging targets.
I also have certed 1 C4 explosive and a 2x scope for the T5, the scope I never use cause it decreases my accuracy.
As a result I have less than 2% certed into my primary class simply cause I don't really need to throw certs at it right now in order to kill any quicker.
Same is said for other classes I play, as well as the vehicles I use, I only cert when I know I need something that will elevate my game play a bit.
My Infiltrator has only 7% certs into it. Mostly for recharge of the cloak and a 12x scope. Do I need more than that?
My accuracy with the SR-7 sits at 50% with half my kills been head shots so my game plan says I don't need to spend more certs right now.
It's same with anything in the game. Look at how you play most of the time before looking into spending certs.
As for vehicles: If your not comfortable flying then don't. If you can buy a Galaxy when the squad needs 1 and no-one else can buy 1 then yea feel free. You only need to land it safely after getting 1.
As for Mosquitos and liberators - More time you spend in the air the easier it becomes. It's no secret trick it is simply time spent.
For harassment of hostile air then A2A missiles and look at engaging targets at range. Racer frame is ideal for hit and run targets.
Most of time you don't need to kill the craft to get it to disengage a battle. And the range for the primary weapons are quite long for a Mossie.
If your getting hit too much in the air then consider waiting for friendly aircraft to be engaged in a fight before you come in. Height and speed are good for harasser style fighters.
The main difference from the Mossie to a Liberator is that the Lib is a 3man gunship and the Mossie is a solo seat fighter. Most here at BRTD will only take 2 in a Lib with the gunner swapping back an forth from bomber to tail gunner using the F2-F3 keys.
Libs can take a pounding and some pilots are able to out fly hostile aircraft. If you can get the hang of been a gunner for a Lib then there is no end of good pilots looking for you.
The Mossie is better suited for direct actions. Can do more damage to a single target than a Lib could. This is down to height limitations.
A Lib's bomber only has a set field of view which to rotate the weapon system, meaning that Libs generally can't get directly behind a Vanguard for example and hit it repeatedly in the weak spot, it's ass. The Lib pilot would have to move the craft and then tilt nose up before you have the same effect.
Close communication between pilot gunner is essential for such moves.
The difference to the Mossie doing this is basically just coming low from an unwatched angle and hovering behind slamming all rockets into the Vanguard.
But don't look at the air unless your willing to spend a lot of time getting used to it. Many players want to do it but not willing to stick the hours in the sky that is needed in order to be decent at it.
End of day though the game is about how you want to play, and what you need to do to be able to play that way.
Ignore all the usual "this is the BEST" guides, or videos about how Reavers murder infantry but ignore the sunderers, all you need is to know how to fit into the outift strategy and what you need to do as a player to fulfil your own role.
Get a note pad next to you as your playing and when something happens that was either bad movement, caught in open, staying still too long, too slow to react to thrown grenade, how you missed killing a clump of hostiles that were too close together... anything that you beleave could have been done better or could have been avoided you write it down.
And you do this for an evenings game play. Then after at least an hour or 2 you go through the list and you see if you can find a trend. Once you isolate certain patterns then look at what you feel you can do in game to change this. Look at game play first before certs. Then when you are comfortable that you cannot adapt or adjust your game plan any more then look at what possible certifications you would need instead to balance it out.
It's a lengthy progress but well worth it in the end. Improving your game play improves your fun of the game as you can do more
Sorry for lengthy post.