BRTD and the near future!


Interwebs Mechanic
Staff member
Jul 20, 2006
Ireland, Galway
Hi Guys, the officers have had a meeting and have formed a 3 month objective based list, this list will be followed come what may. We promise our player base we will follow this as best as we can, anyway here goes.

1) Obtain more squad leaders ASAP: this will result in the ability to run smaller reapers which in-turn will hopefully help with organisation.

2) Recruit training will be replaced with outfit training: This will keep our members on top form, and will allow our new members to learn with our vets. This does not mean we will be giving the SCU gen talk to everyone but rather “alpha squad go to the SCU gen, recruits follow the vets if you don't know where it is!”

3) We will be recalling the outfit from meat grinders therefore, we don't get farmed thus causing a drop in moral. Moreover, recalling in meat grinders will make us as a whole more useful in ops and such. If a co-leader says “guys this is a meat grinder we should recall and move to a different base” PL should listen unless they have a good reason not to.

4) We will be opening recruitment once again. However, we will be more selective and we will be VERY strict with age etc. We will also have more restrictions and requirements, if anyone has any ideas here please let us know.

Thanks everyone!

If any of you have any other things we should include in this 3 month list please let us know.

BRTD Command
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Let's drop the Beat!
Jan 12, 2013
First of all: Thank you!

1) I don't consider myself as a leader. There are great leaders, and there is also great followers. I see myself as the second. So, please don't hate me for not applying as SL. Im comfortable in following orders. Maybe one day when I feel I got enough "flesh on my legs", I apply.

2) Ok, this is great! May I suggest that our new recruits knows this when they are applying to BRTD. Maybe including it in the recruit form? If our recruit runs off to another base/place etc we know he/she haven't read the form or don't listen for that matter.

4) Well, people will probably still lie about their age. But that will probably show when they play with us and acts...odd. May I suggest that you ask our recruits to show they player profile somehow? Like activity, maybe a Battlerank req on 15-20? X hours played per week. And also include the Cert req.

Love Tobie


You, Me, Closet, 7Min, Heaven, Now..
Oct 7, 2014
Washington, USA
We need to get a few more recruitment officers then? Or have prospects be vetted with a more detailed application and interview process?
Im back 7 days a week now, so hit me up on mumble/


I'm bit confused as to why we're short of SL's? I can maybe understand PL's as they can potentially be having to organise 4 different squads movements but a single squad I don't understand, I'm guessing this is coming down to people not wanting to follow orders? Tactics can be argued either way hence why its so pointless and disruptive to be saying xelas bio lab is under hack etc as yes you could go resecure it but u could also extend/defend somewhere else.

I'm more than happy to help SL if people really don't wanna do it so if im needed just shout :) x


Active Member
Aug 11, 2014
2) Please keep this coming a Training Tuesday every week where we can get stuff done right is just what we need but we must emphasise consistency in our operations.
3) I get that no one likes to be farmed but I would prefer it if we try to turn it around before giving up even if that means leaving the base and coming back to hit them from the outside in.
4) Please try the best you can to recruit as many people who love to fly as you can if we can have at least half a dozen mosy's supporting a reaper every night it would be a huge resource for us.


Interwebs Mechanic
Staff member
Jul 20, 2006
Ireland, Galway
[quote="Fest" post=17067]I'm bit confused as to why we're short of SL's? I can maybe understand PL's as they can potentially be having to organise 4 different squads movements but a single squad I don't understand, I'm guessing this is coming down to people not wanting to follow orders? Tactics can be argued either way hence why its so pointless and disruptive to be saying xelas bio lab is under hack etc as yes you could go resecure it but u could also extend/defend somewhere else.

I'm more than happy to help SL if people really don't wanna do it so if im needed just shout :) x[/quote]

On SL issue, we consistently see when a reaper becomes full no one wants to lead the second reaper. This force us to link channels, which lead to extremely large and noisy channel which everyone is bitching about. we do not want to see channel linking been used for that purpose if we can.

SL are in always great need, in eve online and other games its alway hard to find enough and proficient leaders of groups they become burned out and so on over time .what we are looking for is for someone to step up and learn the ropes, we can then see who is best and promote them upwards.

[quote="Boostoff" post=17066]We need to get a few more recruitment officers then? Or have prospects be vetted with a more detailed application and interview process?
Im back 7 days a week now, so hit me up on mumble/[/quote]

we will need more recruitment officers, i think we will change our method of vetting recruits .


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
[quote="Chewtoy" post=17068]2) Please keep this coming a Training Tuesday every week where we can get stuff done right is just what we need but we must emphasise consistency in our operations.
3) I get that no one likes to be farmed but I would prefer it if we try to turn it around before giving up even if that means leaving the base and coming back to hit them from the outside in.
4) Please try the best you can to recruit as many people who love to fly as you can if we can have at least half a dozen mosy's supporting a reaper every night it would be a huge resource for us.[/quote]

It is rather lonely in the air :(


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
I may have some suggestion regarding the new recruits:

1) A little proficiency with the game; meaning that a BR is required to join the outfit (something along 15-20). In this way we can have actual recruit, not only people who want to see how is the game, than maybe quit 'couse they don't like it, and have officers to go and clear the putfit once a month...

2) Mandatory certs; to join you MUST have certed into AMS, squad beacon (at least 1 point in it), vehicle mines. Some of the new recruits, i won't make names, don't even have an ams, and that's just useless is it can be....

3) Activly playing the game with the outfit; later i saw a lot of people entering a squad, just to show their presence, not logging on mumble, and doing whatever they please, even on different continent. That needs to stop. If you want to play with an outfit, you should play along you'r mates. If you don't, we don't need you in the outfit anymore. I would suggest a 3-way alert, first time you got a tell in game, second time you got a tell in game and a message on the forum, third time, if you do not comply, you're out.

Those are just suggestions, tell me what do you think about them ;)


Interwebs Mechanic
Staff member
Jul 20, 2006
Ireland, Galway
[quote="TobieBrave" post=17064]
4) Well, people will probably still lie about their age. But that will probably show when they play with us and acts...odd. May I suggest that you ask our recruits to show they player profile somehow? Like activity, maybe a Battlerank req on 15-20? X hours played per week. And also include the Cert req.

Love Tobie[/quote]

we will be adapting our recruitment post to include a link to there stats.


Nov 8, 2012
I[quote="YamiNoTenshi" post=17070][quote="Chewtoy" post=17068]2)
4) Please try the best you can to recruit as many people who love to fly as you can if we can have at least half a dozen mosy's supporting a reaper every night it would be a huge resource for us.[/quote]

It is rather lonely in the air :([/quote]

Teach me I wish to fly like an eagle :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2012
I fully support this. Imo the secret of a good outfit lies in it's ability to churn out capable leaders. You can never have enough of them.
This is a game which means people come and go all the time. People getting burned out or having RL stuff is a reality you need to deal with as an outfit and the key to mastering this is to have a flexible leadership system.

If it was up to me, I would even take it to the next level where people can promote/demote themselves based on the time they have temporarily available for this game. Best example is Collin. He demoted himself to Ltnt General few months ago because he realized he could not devote enough time to justify himself as a Commander. Audiofly is also an excellent example. He stepped up and took responsibility but realized leading was not his thing and had himself demoted. It's this kind of flexible, non-ego driven, leadership that will keep this outfit competitive.


Potato Simulator
Oct 2, 2012
[quote="Hendy" post=17074]I[quote="YamiNoTenshi" post=17070][quote="Chewtoy" post=17068]2)
4) Please try the best you can to recruit as many people who love to fly as you can if we can have at least half a dozen mosy's supporting a reaper every night it would be a huge resource for us.[/quote]

It is rather lonely in the air :([/quote]

Teach me I wish to fly like an eagle :D[/quote][/MEDIA]

On a serious note, the idea of having more air idea isn't a bad idea, the problem however is that currently we have something like 4 dedicated pilots (Yami, Madgelo, MGP and myself) + 5 others "loose" pilots that will pull a mossy from time toanother.
If we want air superiority we either need to recruit a lot of people that wants/love to fly or a dozen people from the outfit needs to drop the "I can't fly for shit" attitude, which I know a lot of people have.
The thing about the air is that you can't go all "Frankie style" up there. Engaging in a 1v3 battle against 3 enemy reavers gets you shot down in a matter of seconds, you need to have even numbers or atleast a fair amount of AA (in form of bursters/skyguards/rangers) that can give you support from the ground. If you want to take over the air, after that the problems becomes of keeping the air. You can't rely on greenie pilots, since they will ditch their mossy after the 1st main battle is over, so when the 2nd wave comes (roughly 5-10 mins later), you are stuck in the air with 3 hardcore pilots against 7-13 reaver pilots, and if only a handfull of them are decent, they you get screwed over hard.

Quite a few times I've heard a commander or grunt complain about how we never seem to own the air above us. Which is partly true, I would say that we own the air 50% of the time (atleast when I'm looking at the sky), the other problem is that in those 50% of the time were we do own the sky, the don't abuse it, there are nobody who falls back and pulls a A2G mossy or a lib and give the infantry on the ground that edge of bombing the crap out of the enemy.
The only time people seems to be thinking about pulling a lib is when we are up against a platoon(s). Because then you "know" you can get a some good farm, but at that point you can be dead sure that the enemy have atleast 5 burster maxes pulled, making a lib useless even if we control that air, due to the power of flak these days.
At the moment A2G is only really useful if you are up against 1-2 burster maxes, if there are more than that around, the flyers will have a hard time getting anywhere close to the base without getting shot down in 5 seconds.

In short, people complain about our lack of air, but only seem to want to pull it when we are up against a brick wall, were the air is mostly useless. People also only complain about our lack of air, but I've yet to see any of the commander (besides stubek) use and abuse our air control when we had it.
Anyway I might send a mail to one of the co-leaders one of the next days with some ideas on setting up an air squad, since I think the air squad have been on hiatus for long enough.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
[quote="Hendy" post=17074]I[quote="YamiNoTenshi" post=17070][quote="Chewtoy" post=17068]2)
4) Please try the best you can to recruit as many people who love to fly as you can if we can have at least half a dozen mosy's supporting a reaper every night it would be a huge resource for us.[/quote]

It is rather lonely in the air :([/quote]

Teach me I wish to fly like an eagle :D[/quote]

Lesson one, space bar is your best friend.
Lesson two, rebind the exit vehicle key :p


[quote="ATINOFWOLF" post=17076]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Requesting squad leader training if anyone is willing to teach.[/quote]

Things is, many people want "SL / PL training" we have no SET WAY of doing it - someone teaches someone on how THEY would do it, which might not be the style which suits them.

Its easier to just, do it and learn from mistakes.. start by right clicking a map and putting down waypoints and staring at the map for a while and try and learn where and when the fight will get to certain places.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
[quote="Pointy" post=17092]I wish I could lie about my age[/quote]

You are a 12 year old girl, aren't you?


Active Member
Jul 31, 2014
I'll have to give leading a go next time no one steps up :)

The more SL/PL's capable people we have the less pressure on the ones we already have, so the more the merrier :D


New Member
Mar 22, 2013
Gave platoon leading a go for the first time tonight - I don't think things went too badly.....we got Esamir lock during and I didn't notice anyone not listening.

So thank you very much all who was in platoon tonight - I enjoyed it and would be willing to do it again when required.

Any criticism / points to improve on are welcome.
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