Event Idea's? Lets Hear Them!



Hey guys I have been racking my brains as usual thinking of events for the future. I would like to hear if anyone has any cool or funny event idea's. It could be something just for laughs like a max conga line or something more serious like a Jump-Jet Raid. We plan on having many events in the future and I want to keep things fresh. So think about it today and if you come up with something make a post. I will check this post every couple days. This will be a long lasting topic and there are no wrong answers, so think hard and keep the idea's coming!


What about a "holdout event" a crap load of galaxies, and just try and hold a base which the vs / nc are fighting for. Just to annoy them. I.e max crash in then give them both a sh.oeing


Active Member
BRTD Member
Aug 31, 2014
The Bull ring.

bad part is the bull and his engi will have to go VS.
then we need to define the Bull ring at a non contested location.

Running of the bull.

So now we have a bull, we need to get it to the bull ring safely. hence the engineer. the rest of the eventee's run cover for the Bull by using TR air and veh to create a clear path to the "ring"

OLE, El Toro

now we have our bull and his engi safe in the Bull ring, everybody else goes non jump jet /cloaking infantry. lining up at one end of the bull ring with the bull at the other, then its plane old "last man standing,

NO leaving the ring, this will result in exclusion
NO shooting the bull
NO shooting the matadors
NO weapon usage unless a "friendly" tries to shoot our bull, in which case we shoot them. its our bull after all.

the last man will be the one that hasnt been MAGMOWED!! and thus the winner.

this could be ran twice so the Bull and engi can swap so they both get a reason for swapping for the event, they get to level their new VS character for free :D
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[quote="Audiofly" post=7062]The Bull ring.

bad part is the bull and his engi will have to go VS.
then we need to define the Bull ring at a non contested location.

Running of the bull.

So now we have a bull, we need to get it to the bull ring safely. hence the engineer. the rest of the eventee's run cover for the Bull by using TR air and veh to create a clear path to the "ring"

OLE, El Toro

now we have our bull and his engi safe in the Bull ring, everybody else goes non jump jet /cloaking infantry. lining up at one end of the bull ring with the bull at the other, then its plane old "last man standing,

NO leaving the ring, this will result in exclusion
NO shooting the bull
NO shooting the matadors
NO weapon usage unless a "friendly" tries to shoot our bull, in which case we shoot them. its our bull after all.

the last man will be the one that hasnt been MAGMOWED!! and thus the winner.

this could be ran twice so the Bull and engi can swap so they both get a reason for swapping for the event, they get to level their new VS character for free :D[/quote]

This sounds awesome! if we are going to do this we should let a Dev know!


New Member
Oct 2, 2012
[quote="Dotz0r" post=7061]What about a "holdout event" a crap load of galaxies, and just try and hold a base which the vs / nc are fighting for. Just to annoy them. I.e max crash in then give them both a sh.oeing[/quote]
I'd enjoy this :p


Certified walrus
Nov 6, 2012
Death race of..death?

basicaly, a death race with weapons free, all participants are allowed to shoot each otherwith flash mounted weapons as well as several people who aren't participating being lined up allong the track in MANA turrets and mossies who regulary shoot the participants, partipants are allowed to shoot their flash mounted weapons at the participants in passing, however, stopping to take aim is not allowed. we should also get something allong the lines of a minefield in the middle of a road and we could try to get some NC and VS involved for more tracer fire flying around the poor flashes...

-base turrets
-grenades/missile launchers
-lightning persuit

-Flash/sunderer/lightning road block (with the guns manned of course)(are not allowed to move in persuit, just stand there with their guns pointed at the flashes)
-c4 on the road
-rocket pod strafing mossies spreading mayhem (shoot to confuse, not to kill)
-smoke grenades
-concsion grenades etc...
-a line of infantry in the middle of the road, will you run them over before they turn you into swiss cheese?
-MAX-units allong the road

Are you certain you want to drive in the lead?

Good part: lotsa tracer fire, even more fun, great challenge for participants
bad part: weapons lock for all eternity :p


New Member
Oct 23, 2012
There are diffrent race events you can do

Flash race
Instead of making it a go there and turn. You can make it who can reach the enemy warpgate first. The judge create a char that is standing at that warp gate and we see who can get there first and alive.

Mossie race which means you have to fly close to the other 2 warpgates and back to your own. First back and alive wins.

each take a galaxy on their own and we will land on a enemy base and see how many galaxies we can land at the enemy base. That should be a sight for the enemy. Seeing maybe 30++ galaxies land at their base.


BRTD Member
Nov 15, 2012
[quote="Gawin" post=7105]
Flash race
Instead of making it a go there and turn. You can make it who can reach the enemy warpgate first. The judge create a char that is standing at that warp gate and we see who can get there first and alive.

THIS! Have a mossie fly off at the same time ahead of the race and call weapons free as soon as he sights an enemy unit.


Gal full of LA, max height and drop - see how far u can go on jump pack - further / last one in air wins.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Mossie Flip, everyone pull mossies and try and flip enemy gals, most gals flipped win, when we're done we can always just ram enemy aircraft until there's noone left flying.

Flash Suicide run, we find a hotzone where NC and VS are fighting, the bigger the better, and try to race as many laps around the base as we can, most laps or last man standing wins.

These will be hard since we have to rely on the enemy but could be fun and challenging.


Nov 4, 2012
How about a server invasion?

I remember being part of the baboons back in PS1. A week in advance everyone rolled a new character on a different server and included the word 'baboon' somewhere in their character name. Then on a given night we all invaded the server, caused havoc, constantly bunny hopped instead of running, etc

It was a way to have some fun against an enemy but also create a wtf situation for the regulars to the server.

Or, how about a game of follow the leader in mossies?

Find the best pilot in the outfit and have them stick a bright camo on their vehicle. Then have them fly off in, around and under various obstacles. Everyone else starts 100m behind and has to play catch up without taking any shortcuts.


[quote="Dotz0r" post=7112]Gal full of LA, max height and drop - see how far u can go on jump pack - further / last one in air wins.[/quote]

I'd fancy that. Simple yet slightly amusing... perfect for me :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
We could try some behind enemy lines stuff, one person picks infiltrator and take off in a mossy, flies into an occupied enemy base and crashes the mossie, he then have to hide somewhere in the base and survive long enough for the rest of us to rescue him.

We have to fly a gal inside to pick up whoever is hiding before he is found and killed, we'll need ground troops to secure the landing spot and air support to take care of enemy turrents, air and unfortunate ground troops caught in the open.
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New Member
Oct 1, 2012
[quote="Zumbee" post=7130]How about a server invasion?
I remember being part of the baboons back in PS1. A week in advance everyone rolled a new character on a different server and included the word 'baboon' somewhere in their character name. Then on a given night we all invaded the server, caused havoc, constantly bunny hopped instead of running, etc

I can already see everyone hopping around. I like this one!
Rofl :lol:


Certified walrus
Nov 6, 2012
Angry birds: Terran republic edition.

not realy an event, more something to do when bored.

We park a sudy bus roughly a killometre away from the warp gate and jump in mossies, then we fly to a height of roughly 500 metres and jump out, whomever manages to crash his unpiloted mossie closest to the bus wins


New Member
Nov 5, 2012
Hi Guys!

Have been thinking about this for some time but came to the conclusion that one would have to try (maybe even a few times over) to know if it works.

I call it "Operation Zerg Spawn" and it's in a way a meta-game strategy we could use for operations if it works.

The aim would be to try to create zergs where and when we need them.
This would actually be some kind of pre-event to a bigger outfit-operation.

The idea is to get a group of people in position a bit before a big outfit-event starts and try to create a zerg or two in places we don't want to bother with, or to create diversions to draw enemy troops from our own objectives.

I'm aware that to create a zerg it takes a (small) zerg so the question is how many are enough and also if it pays to have these troops away from our own team at least for the start of a bigger operation.
But if, lets say for example, one would get 3 open squads with 12 members in who let 12 or 24 greenies in or try to invite as many as possible, these "BRTD-Zerg-Squads" could be able to draw more other people around in a zerglike fashion i guess.

I think our outfit has (or at least will have) enough profile to draw the greenies in for such things, load them up into troop transports at warpgate, drive them to points needing assistance, set them of there and fight, or just head back and try to get more.

Maybe i'm overestimating the usfullness of such a tactic, the effort it takes is too big or it simply gets realy annoying, but it would be worth a try i guess. Of course it'd be best to try such a thing when some more other training has been done.

What do you think?


[quote="Gulaschmoerser" post=7209] these "BRTD-Zerg-Squads" could be able to draw more other people around in a zerglike fashion i guess.

I think our outfit has (or at least will have) enough profile to draw the greenies in for such things, load them up into troop transports at warpgate, drive them to points needing assistance, set them of there and fight, or just head back and try to get more.

Maybe i'm overestimating the usfullness of such a tactic, the effort it takes is too big or it simply gets realy annoying, but it would be worth a try i guess. Of course it'd be best to try such a thing when some more other training has been done.

What do you think?[/quote]

Where have i seen this tactic before? hmmm...

Not a lot of effort tbh, daily brtd zerg squads/drops do happen on a daily basis and i run pretty much constant gal runs - as do some greenies i know ,although sometimes the target is different or to support the outfit as a whole. The drama is keeping that zerg together (Unless its a BRTD PUB SQUAD) as dumping alot of greenies onto a target who don't know eve from adam will not stay together once the objective is complete - thats if they capture it together or die and respawn elsewhere and so they may eventually zerg-off elsewhere or even back to us. TR has zergs everywhere, people seem to believe there is just one TR-ZERG that goes about on its own - there are countless zergs. The best thing to do is find one in motion - and support it so it can branch out and swarm. For example - attacking and taking a base / tower quickly before a zerg convoy arrives to keep it rolling to a better/bigger objective.

But this is a topic for ideas, so fair one - mayby getting platoons of greenies under BRTD sl's (perfect training) and giving them help.

Another idea for event : GALAXY SURFING. - Gals with 1 person (or mossi), max height bail and try and surf it to the ground.(Or even everyone on a galaxy and see who can get on it and stay on it - mid air. (Probably a gal drop onto a gal)