Event Idea's? Lets Hear Them!


Certified walrus
Nov 6, 2012
some basic concepts

-Steel rain!
basicaly deploy as many spawn beacons as possible and have everyone deploy in a drop pod, our drop pods will blot out the sun!
tactical video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeCfod1XT7E

-foot onslaught
leaving the sundy busses behind, we go on foot for a change, a massive wave of infantry ought to make every single enemy despair

-Flash assault
same as above, with flashes, can also be done with lightnings and prowlers

-Ride of the valkyries
everyone pulls a mossie, everyone should have a basic knowledge at least how to kep these things in the air

-more max crashes.

-Single squad assault
basicaly, we deploy single squads on a point instead of an enteire reaper, this increases tactical flexability. we could even make a contest out of it (which squad can cap the most bases?)


Oct 31, 2012
[quote="Huller" post=7305]
-Steel rain!
basicaly deploy as many spawn beacons as possible and have everyone deploy in a drop pod, our drop pods will blot out the sun!

We are the Spehss Mahreens!

[quote="Huller" post=7305]
-foot onslaught
leaving the sundy busses behind, we go on foot for a change, a massive wave of infantry ought to make every single enemy despair

I want to try this. If we do this, I'm going to have to make sure I put on Imperial March in the background.
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Certified walrus
Nov 6, 2012
foot onslaught is a bit like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjPZP5KJavg&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LL1Y1Dd0KHOl8ZTjmU4tnJoA

-Take and Hold
basicaly we select a base we like and that is likely to come under attack soon and defend the shit outa it

ideas for monday night madness
-firing squad
[Insert name] has been found guilty of treason against the republic, shoot him!

-focus fire
basicaly realy micro management, we make sure we all shoot at the same target more or less simultaniously. Immagine an air tower being bombarded by HA missile launchers

-sundy bus race
exactly what it sais on the tin, weapons free, bring gunners, ammo busses and repair busses (tons of XP)

-moar MAX crashes, and big ones at that

-more racing, weapons free to spice it up