Outfit News News thread


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
Acquisition timer certs will likely be refunded with the new resource system.

Few clarifications to some questions here and on other feedback channels:

There are two resources: Facility resource (power), and Personal Resource (nanites). Personal resource income is affected by power level. So a facility at 50% power will have half the resource income to players being supplied by that facility.

Power is drained based on players being supplied, not their actions. So one player pulling a vehicle is not going to be harmful. The more players being supplied the more power is drained (it's a stepwise function, not linear). Idea is that small groups will have little or no effect on power drain but it is a much more significant factor in larger battles. The 'steps' closely map to the activity levels - squad, 2 squads, platoon, 2 platoons, etc.

Warpgates provide a small amount of power inflow to connected facilities. This is enough to offset any drain for small groups, and empty facilities will slowly recharge over time on their own (so no running around fueling up bases). Severing lattice where possible can be very impactful to the facilities that are cut off.

How players spend their resulting resources does not affect other players. That part of the system works the same as it does today - players have resources and they spend them on vehicles and consumables. Instead of having 3 separate resources there will be one resource.

Roughly speaking you should be able to go from empty to full resources in about 10 minutes in ideal conditions. That may change but that's the ballpark. The goal is that if you want to do one thing like drive tanks or fly aircraft, you can do that if you save your resources for those things. We also don't want to have too much save-up power so you are affected when resource income is reduced. Deep pockets insulates that so we don't want pockets to be too deep.

Acquisition timer certs will likely be refunded. This seems like the most fair way to handle it.

The power-fetching aspect is intended to be focused around large battles to spread them out. Power-carrying vehicles would show up on the continent map so they would be mobile objectives, primarily for vehicle combat. This isn't intended to be a boring tedious thing so much as a sort of capture-the-flag style gameplay where the power carrier is highly likely to see action.

Warpgates are facilities that do not suffer power drain, so they are always available as a recharge point.

Of course everything above is subject to change, and that's one reason we want your feedback!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
GU13 today!

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BRTD Member
Aug 1, 2014
so much for that :(

Downtime starting a little bit late on this one. We're working through an issue before starting our process. Could be another hour or two.

Thanks for your understanding.

Up x 1

Raxxyl, 11 minutes ago


Nov 4, 2012
not seen this mentioned anywhere else so thought i'd stick it up, from the Gu13 update notes

"Alert Experience
Alert empire rewards are now proportional to the amount of time you participated in the alert. Only characters that participate throughout the entire duration of the alert will receive the full empire reward. This participation time is specific to individual characters (i.e. it’s not account-wide)."

might help with some of the 4th factioners during alerts.


Hitman Zeus

Rated 'Adult Only'
Nov 19, 2012
Unofficial patch notes for GU13;

comparing LIVE between 10.07 and 31.07 (not including known stuff. And I was away for some time, I might have missed some already-known stuff. however, SOE seems to have learned to write more of the changes in their patch notes, so hopefully there should be less content in my ones (EDIT: ...nope :p sorry for the lengthy post :p ) )

interesting stuff from locale files:

[li]instead of 'primary' and 'secondary', many weapons had their slot name >> 'top', 'wing mount' and so on[/li]
[li]therefore 'Primary Weapon Turret' got renamed to 'Top Gunner'. lol @ reference.[/li]
[li]"Sunderer: Defense Slot" renamed to "Sunderer: Defense Slot" (now with an additional space! seriously, hotfixes are awesome. same changes for loads of similar strings)[/li]
[li]"Originally worn by the infamous 403rd "Jackals," a group known for their tenuous morals, the Skull Helmet causes terror in those unfortunate enough to oppose its wearer. VS use only." >> "The Skull Helmet causes terror in those unfortunate enough to oppose its wearer. VS use only."[/li]
[li]"While the Protos helmet uses technology that is commonplace for the Vanu Sovereignty, it is far more advanced than anything developed by their inferior competition on Auraxis. VS use only." >> "Even our early prototypes are more advanced than anything developed by our inferior competition. VS use only."[/li]
[li]"Used previously as a welding mask to prevent things from hitting you in the face, this helmet is also effective in combat to prevent things from hitting you in the face. NC use only." >> "Used previously as a welding mask, this helmet is also effective in combat to prevent getting hit in the face. NC use only."[/li]
[li]"Decreases the time taken to reload weapon by 0.1 seconds." - 425 such strings, with various values of course. new certs? yaaay![/li]
[li]"No Device", "Default System Device"[/li]
[li]"Time Left"[/li]
[li]"Ammo Drop" (uuuh.... Galaxy ammo box dropping ability? PLEASE?)[/li]
[li]"Smoke Screen" (ESF)[/li]
[li]"Creates a smoke screen around the aircraft that makes it difficult to see and prevents lock-ons for several seconds. Can be activated once every 60 seconds." (where several can be 8,10,12,14)[/li]
[li]"Resupplies ammo to ally aircraft and vehicles within 85 meters." and a few similar Vehicle Ammo Dispenser strings added. gals? plz?[/li]
[li]"Repairs ally aircrafts and vehicles within 50 meters of the Galaxy." yes! gals![/li]
[li]they changed or added some flamethrower/frag cannon strings AGAIN. comming soon...? xD[/li]
[li]"Scythe External Fuel Tanks" added. is it the same as afterburner? looks like no, and apparently upgradable: "External Fuel Tanks 2 Description", "External Afterburner Fuel Tanks 4 Desc DNT"[/li]
[li]"ResolutionTest_Full", "ResolutionTest_QuarterMesh", "ResolutionTest_HalfTexture", "ResolutionTest_HalfAll"[/li]
[li]"Graphics And Shaders"[/li]
[li]"The leader has muted you.", "Mute Platoon"[/li]
[li]"Created By: <font color="#FFC600">%0</font>" (probably for Player Studio)[/li]
[li]"Some assembly required."[/li]
[li]"Nanites repair a critically damaged vehicle's engine and extinguishes any fires when activated. It has no effect on a vehicle that is not critically damaged. Can be used once every 40 seconds." >> "Activate to repair 6% of the vehicles damage over 5 seconds. If the vehicle is on fire when activated, it will also immediately extinguish the fire. Can be activated once every 55 seconds." (ninja change, discussion: http://dk.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/1jaqcz/gu13_undocumented_fire_suppression_system_buff/[1] )[/li]
[li]"Marketplace transactions are not enabled."[/li]
[li]"Invalid Guild Rank Name" (dear SOE, reminder: you're calling them 'outfits' here, not 'guilds'. kthxbai)[/li]
[li]"Continent Lock Threshold" >> "Domination Gained"[/li]
[li]"Dome Shield Activation", "This activates projectile shields over Amp Stations, Tech Plants and outposts." (Amp Station benefit)[/li]
[li]"Hossin TEST"[/li]
[li]Stripe Camo[/li]
[li]Scales Camo[/li]
[li]High Stakes Camo (some Vegas stuff?)[/li]
[li]High Roller Camo[/li]
[li]Full House Camo[/li]
[li]Jackpot Hood Ornament[/li]
[li]Forest Ground Camo[/li]
[li]Snow Aspen Forest Camo[/li]
[li]Abstract Camo[/li]
[li]Algae Camo[/li]
[li]Amoeba Camo (apparently already live. still, WTF...)[/li]
[li]Cells Camo[/li]
[li]Turtle Shell Camo[/li]
[li]Tropical Camo[/li]
[li]Tidal Camo[/li]
[li]Snowy Pines Camo[/li]
[li]Reef Camo[/li]
[li]Snake Eyes Hood Ornament[/li]
[li]Susie Skyguard Vehicle Decal[/li]
[li]Gina Galaxy Vehicle Decal[/li]
[li]Nikki Nanite Vehicle Decal[/li]
[li]SOE Live Decal, "Thanks for attending SOE Live 2013!"[/li]
[li]PSU Decal[/li]
[li]EverQuest Next Decal (revealed by VanuLabs and RoyAwesome some time ago)[/li]
[li]Illuminated Apex Helmet (huh? illuminated?)[/li]
[li]Sandy Scrub Camo Bundle, plus several other old camo/helmet/stuff bundles. including the ultimate VS bundle, Giraffe Camo Bundle[/li]
[li]Lightning Lumifiber Trim 3[/li]
[li]Illuminated Skull Helmet Bundle[/li]
[li]Harasser Chrome Bumper 005 (as per usual, various numbers/factions/colors apply)[/li]
[li]Harasser Fender NC003[/li]
[li]Harasser Gold Fender 003[/li]
[li]Harasser Bumper 01[/li]
[li]Harasser Pink Chrome Bumper[/li]
[li]Sunderer Chrome Grill 003[/li]
[li]Sunderer Gold Luggage Rack 001[/li]
[li]Sunderer Chrome Side Steps 001[/li]
[li]Test Helmet[/li]
[li]Magrider Hex Trim is now Aero Trim[/li]
[li]"Auto-resupply will automatically purchase a new implant using Cert Points each time your supply reaches zero, and this setting will persist between game sessions. Are you sure you want to activate auto-resupply?"[/li]
[li]apparently you can use the auto-resupply with SC too. and implants expire after 2 hours[/li]
[li]the implants have icons in the game files. do you want me to upload them?[/li]
[li]"Quick Use"[/li]
[li]"Speeds up the use times of all grenades, items, placed explosives, and deployables; also speeds up the swap time of support tools."[/li]
[li]"Thermal Reduction"[/li]
[li]"Prevents you from being highlighted by thermal optics. <font color="#dc9c36"><br><br>Does not function while in a vehicle.</font>"[/li]
[li]"Clear Vision"[/li]
[li]"Protects against concussion and flash grenade effects."[/li]
[li]"Safe Landing"[/li]
[li]"Reduces fall damage, allowing you to survive falls from heights twice as high than you normally would. <font color="#dc9c36"><br><br>Does not function while in a vehicle.</font>"[/li]
[li]"EMP Shielding"[/li]
[li]"Reduces the duration you remain spotted by half, also lowers the audio range of your footsteps"[/li]
[li]"Range Finder"[/li]
[li]"Displays the distance to the target."[/li]
[li]"Battle Hardened"[/li]
[li]"Reduces camera shake from all explosions; also reduces flinch when hit by enemy fire. <font color="#dc9c36"><br><br>Does not function while in a vehicle.</font>"[/li]
[li]"Sensor Shield"[/li]
[li]"Makes you undetectable to enemy radar equipment and motion sensors. <font color="#dc9c36"><br><br>Does not function while in a vehicle.</font>"[/li]
[li]"EOD HUD"[/li]
[li]"Allows you to detect any enemy explosives within a 20 meter radius. <font color="#dc9c36"><br><br>Does not function while in a vehicle.</font>"[/li]
[li]"Enhanced Targeting"[/li]
[li]"Displays health of spotted enemies; also increases the range that the reticule can identify enemies. <br><font color="#dc9c36">Does not function while in a vehicle.</font>"[/li]
[li]"Audio Amplifier"[/li]
[li]"Hossin Neutral Zone"[/li]
[li]"Ghanan East Gatehouse" >> "Ghanan Eastern Gatehouse" (apparently changing forward spawns to outposts, lettuce style)[/li]
[li]"Ghanan West Gatehouse" >> "Ghanan Research Labs"[/li]
[li]"Ghanan Southern Bridge" >> "Ghanan Southern Crossing"[/li]
[li]"Hurakan North Sat" >> "Hurakan Secure Storage"[/li]
[li]"Hurakan South Sat" >> "Hurakan Southern Depot"[/li]
[li]"Hurakan West Sat" >> "Hurakan Western Pass"[/li]
[li]"Voltan North Sat" >> "Voltan Cliffside Watch"[/li]
[li]"Voltan South Sat" >> "Voltan Southern Ford"[/li]
[li]"Voltan West Sat" >> "Voltan Supply Station"[/li]
[li]"Acan Data Hub"[/li]
[li]"Acan Research Compound"[/li]
[li]"Acan Southern Labs"[/li]
[li]"Bitol Eastern Depot"[/li]
[li]"Bitol Northern Outpost"[/li]
[li]"Bitol Stockpile"[/li]
[li]"Chac Fusion Lab"[/li]
[li]"Chac Intel Hub"[/li]
[li]"Chac Water Purification"[/li]
[li]"Ixtab Monitoring Post"[/li]
[li]"Ixtab Overflow Station"[/li]
[li]"Ixtab Western Hollow"[/li]
[li]"Mulac Guardhouse"[/li]
[li]"Mulac Southern Barracks"[/li]
[li]"Mulac Supply Depot"[/li]
[li]"Naum Datacenter"[/li]
[li]"Naum Forward Barracks"[/li]
[li]"Naum Ravine Overpass"[/li]
[li]"VS Forward Garrison"[/li]
[li]"Bravata Company PMC" >> "Bravata PMC Compound"[/li]
[li]"Fort Opportunity" >> "Nason's Defiance"[/li]
[li]"Genesis Terraform Plant" >> "Genesis Terraforming Plant"[/li]
[li]"Sector 16" >> "Staggered Mesa Outpost"[/li]
[li]"Hossin LO 1" >> "Devil's Wreath"[/li]
[li]"Hossin LO 2" >> "Fort Drexler"[/li]
[li]"Hossin LO 3" >> "Cairn Station"[/li]
[li]"Hossin LO 4" >> "Southgate Checkpoint"[/li]
[li]"Hossin LO 7" >> "Matsuda Genetics"[/li]
[li]"Hossin LO 8" >> "Hayd Skydock"[/li]
[li]"Hossin LO 9" >> "Hatcher Airstation"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 1" >> "Sharpe's Run" (SOE, it's a mistake. it should be "Sharpe's Pizza", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JISv4zsdHW0[2] )[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 2" >> "Edgewater Overlook"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 3" >> "Last Hold"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 4" >> "Wainwright Armory"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 5" >> "Rustwash Depot"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 6" >> "Kessel's Crossing"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 7" >> "NS Supply Station"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 8" >> "VEX BioLogics"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 10" >> "Fort Washburn"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 11" >> "Halcyon Watch"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 12" >> "Ascension Point"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 13" >> "ORM Scrap and Salvage"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 15" >> "Broken Vale Garrison"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 16" >> "Woodman ASE Labs"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 17" >> "The Glaive"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 20" >> "Fogerty Dam"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 22" >> "Deadcreek Depot"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 24" >> "Whispering Pass"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 25" >> "ComGlobal Relay"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 26" >> "Four Fingers"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 27" >> "Kestral Watch"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 26 Spawn 1", "Hossin SO 26 Spawn 2" (small outpost with two spawns? huh)[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 6 Spawn 2"[/li]
[li]"Hossin SO 10 Spawn 2"[/li]
[li]"Jaynes Addiction" (could be from the dev continent LandOfJayne, though) EDIT: According to RoyAwesome, it is a play off the band name, "Jane's Addiction"[/li]
[li]other files:[/li]
[li]as part of the fix for prowlers in no-deploy zones, each no-deploy zone (in Areas.xml) now has a facility id defined. nice. that may help with some data digging :p[/li]
[li]regent rock zone fixed[/li]
[li]the code for receiving XP now supports negative XP. yay![/li]
[li]if you pressed a button starting a timer (redeploy and stuff) in a vehicle as a passenger, previously it probably stopped the timer when you got hit, now it no longer should do it[/li]
[li]loads of new models, including two new parts of Interlink facilities, tunnel columns, neutral warpgate shields, and some modular objects[/li]
[li]loads of new cosmetic models, including the ones listed above(like sunderer luggage racks or harasser pink chrome bumper), and some galaxy fins, sundy tail light, liberator tails... there's just too many to list them all. why did VanuLabs not showcase those yet? or did he? (/me pokes VanuLabs)[/li]
[li]and a tailless lib, "Vehicle - Test for NS Galaxy Lib"[/li]
[li]new personal waypoints: green and orange[/li]
[li]coin flipping and die rolling animation. Vegas-related?[/li]
[li]loads of new images: GU13 billboards, a few new camos (listed higher up), pro bundle icons, afterburner fuel cert icons, ESF weapon cert icons, implant icons, player studio icon, smoke beacon icons (looks extremely similar to leadership smoke), new ribbons (assist, continent lock, headshot, killstreak), ... do you want any of those uploaded?[/li]
[li]as per usual, loads of new blacklisst entries, including 2GIRLS1CUP, AD0LFHIPSTER, ADOLFDIDNOTHINGWRONG, a few dozens ANALsomethings, BARRAKOSAMA, BIRTYDITCH, and maaaany others...[/li]
[li]changed 'WPN_Vehicle_Melee' to 'DMG_Max_Melee', possibly just fixing the naming convention for DamageMaterialMappings[/li]
[li]added 4 spawn beacons. wut?[/li]
[li]devs are playing around with Operations (player-generated missions and some tutorial scripts): testscripttestscript,1testscript,hello,johntestscript,2,200,joe^[/li]
[li]Nexus will have Snow_MTOP, Snow_Standard and Snow_Storm particle effects[/li]
[li]loads of new boxes in Areas. weird. looking at my mapper (12.07 maps), they seem to be placed over tunnel exits, on vehicle spawn pads... possibly damaging vehicles on those? or something (update: I wrote that on 12.07, before GU13 patch notes stating "At warpgates and facilities on Esamir, jump pad landing pads, tunnel exits, and vehicle pads will destroy any deployable Engineer turrets that are placed on them to help prevent griefing. ")[/li]
[li]even more changes in Areas, added 31.07 maps to my mapper. including Hossin and Nexus changes, and with the facility name listing above, I can make a Hossin map with facility/outpost names and pinpoint location of capture points. do you want it before Hossin goes to PTS? :p I'll try.[/li]
[li]among other Areas changes, the QAzone (Quality Assurance) got updated, and they have a base for testing Searhus stuff there![/li]
[li]new admin command alias: 'deicide'='god;suicide;god' :D (and 'mfn' alias twice. SOE! FIX!)[/li]
[li]Nexus got its clouds, starfield, and sky (with a sky_superfog variation. possibly for the snow storms, dynamic weather? or will it depend on the location only? still, AWESOME!)[/li]

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
Twittered by Smedley:

the PS2 team will be shifting their priorities to focusing purely on optimization. It's unacceptable as it stands. this is going to take some understanding on your part players - when we focus on this it means other stuff waits. But this is critical.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2014
PS4 has a release date now they have to get the poor performance under control :D my GTX 590 (SLI card) is making my game unplayable ATM with the FPS drops :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
Changes in the next perf. update(when that will come) for bio-labs.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
Test-server updated with some new stuff that was mentioned in the lastest Command Centre. WDS-progress, new camos......


Active Member
BRTD Member
Jan 16, 2013
OMFG Episode 4.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
The new horns that are about to be released soon.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
The OMFG-PTS-Patch is up and running. Lets see if there are any FPS improvements.


Nov 8, 2012
https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/balance-pass-post-1-vehicle-weapons-and-the-harasser.156160/ the start of some major game balance overhauls by the looks of things