Observations, what needs to improve NOW.



I can not be the only one here who misses the days of beta, where 100% of the people in the platoon - which i may add was 48 people all knew what was going on / needed doing / knew what they were doing.

There was no need to call clear comms constantly for it to be called and people still chatter away and have to be reminded several times over and over, sundy buses were ready and full with 12 people before the base flipped, volunteers were a plenty and everyone was on the same page. Squads followed their #1 slot - the SL and we snaked across the expanse of indar in 4 little "snakes" accomplishing things it takes us hours to do now. Medics were there, engineers were there.... AA was up - "i am with you" "don't tap ill get you" "so and so behind you!" "bravo 6 needs ammo!" "bravo 4 coming!"

Back in the day when mumble chat was more active then today - but nobody cared because it was critical. Without communication nothing is achieved. Now it seems that people dare not speak in game terms. If they do speak - its some random crap which throws people off what is trying to be achieved. 70% of the platoon is working and the rest is having "story time" with the usual "loud" suspects.

We have gone from 48 man platoons, to 24 - to trialing 12 man squads, i don't care for sub-arguments or the like but 12 man squads are the way forward.
We should have gone from 12, 24, to 48 - NOT the other way around. Half the BRTD playerbase can not even play as a squad never mind a platoon!

What i am trying to get at - is that we need to go back to beta. In terms of ethos and game-awareness. Our beta-backbone player wise is lowering at a rapid pace -swamped with recruits and there is hardly anyone for these recruits to aspire to be-like. People like anooblet and audiofly who no matter what they are there - ready and listening - at the objective and doing the roles that they do - rather then this generation of XP and KD farmers.

There is no longer any cohesion, no incentive , no "push" , no unison. People following orders for others to just sheep around the place. Random numbers of random squads and colors just running amok around the base as if they are one man armies to moan that there is no medics to heal them or no engineers to give them ammo so that they may proceed to better their K/D ratio.

I have taken a step-back and had a good look at how BRTD is now, compared to what it used to be like - its going down hill. You know what they say, you cut off the head of the snake - the body dies - we have lost the majority of our seniors in one way or another - held together by the few who now feel burnt out and pushed-away because people feel the need to be ungrateful.

We can keep temporary fixing the problem and keep the recruits flooding in, but our backbone and core is dieing. We will turn out as a public outfit as there will just end up being an outfit of randomers brought together under the same banner. We will turn into what DIG was at its start. When all the seniors have left because they see things falling a part around them whilst the normal member carries on jogging as if nothing is happening to find the whole BRTD around them suddenly fall down.

Now i may be making it out worser then it really is - so be it. But things need to change in BRTD, it seems we are getting complacent, getting too high above others, descended into xp/kd farmers. I thought BRTD was a community, not some outfit of farmers who play "the best farm". What happened to the squad-play of beta where everyone did not care about kd or score and just the game play as a team?.

It has been said - many of times that we can do this/that/the other, but in the end it all amounts to one problem.

People wanting to take charge......

People take up squad leading - end up getting burnt out over time , people run incentives - people become ungrateful and said person gets pushed away, people make suggestions - it falls a a part or is ignored , people give ideas on whats going wrong and right - but is never taken in the right way by others. People get frustrated, so they step up and take charge - but others do not like it - that person then gets burnt out.

People seem not to want responsibility, because in BRTD it seems hard to get someone to help / take over when someone becomes burnt out. I could not care less if the squad leader is good or bad and that people do not like his/her decisions - at the end of the day they have bothered themselves to help you!.

What i think needs to change :

# Proper TRIALS of recruits. - We do propper trials, we set people aside at the end of the week and interview them, before even accepting them on a trial we talk to them. Hell we do not know who the hell these people are. We seem to be in a culture of "we need more numbers" - because we are loosing seniors. I saw we do not close recruiting - just get more in depth. We recruit more recruiters who take their trialists under their wing. We should become more selective in our choices. We should monitor their activity, their behavior.

# Learning the basics of a squad, not a platoon. - Follwoing the squad leader, sticking on their arse, going where they go - do what they do. Play together, increase team-play. Learn one anothers voices, their strengths - their weaknesses - then work together to negate it. Once the basics of squads are learnt and drilled - form a platoon. Two squads of highly - capable squads who can work together within their own squad as well as together on a unified direction. (Of waypoint) You stick with your squad - you help your squad. You work together to achieve more then running around alone like headless chickens.

Note : Nice to see many Max-snakes run past me several times yesterday - i can garuntee that was roflsky, please do more - just not always in maxes :)

# Getting our house in order - We strengthen our core group, our backbone - our fall back point. We recruit more people into more "administration" positions rather then "leading". For example we are currently low on recruiters, HR , and the likes. We spread the workload - we give more rights to certain people so that they may take charge without facing prosecution. A bit cheesy but - ask what you can do for your outfit - not what it can do for you. Our core group is dieing - and by that i mean ps1 / beta players. Recruits should aspire to be like audiofly, anooblet , sharpe , bpostal , and everyone else who have these qualities fitting of BRTD. BRTD has a history, learn from it through its mistakes and errors we better ourselves. Learn from their experiences, and it kills me to see people in the outfit only 1/2 weeks-in the outfit to suggest / tell whats going wrong with BRTD and how x, y, and z should be done or how "they would do it".

For the sake of the argument, we can not get better without making mistakes. We need to radically change a few things - and by that i mean we need to test new ideas - if they do not work. Then fine, its to be the bin with it. If it works, we capitalise on it. For example - 12 man squads IT WORKS. Why there is objection to it i do not know, but a little birdy tells me that its due to people thinking that a squad working AS A SQUAD "gets everyone killed" or its inefficient or w/e. People will moan about the fact that people will have to constantly move squads in a platoon to clear out alpha.

So to negate all the dramas i suggest the following - and i fear its been repeating in thousands of other threads.

Reaper 1 - 24 man platoon

Alpha - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Alpha)

Bravo - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Bravo)

Reaper 2 - 48 man platoon

Alpha - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Alpha)

bravo - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Bravo)

charlie - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Charlie)

delta - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Delta)

With each squad either advertised in a platoon individually (it can be done) or even separable outside of a platoon, This will negate the need to "clear out alpha" and people getting confused because the clear out has happened and they have moved to a different squad then before you know it. You have random numbers/colors everywhere.

However, one problem - as said above. People willing to take charge. A lack of squad leaders, we are too burnt out. Until we can get our house in order the person in charge will lead the "squads" as a PL. If we could get a SL in each 12 man room - then so be it. But if not then the platoon leader will shout to all sub-channels and lead them all. A person will be nominated / volunteer to be the beacon guy / waypoint man. But will follow orders from the platoon leader who will "shout" into the other channels, whilst leading the squad he is in. This works because, it will strengten peoples thoughts towards taking on responsibility, it gets people used to following the correct waypoints and realize that the PL WP is just a marker for the general area and that their green waypoint is the objective.

The above may not work , but who knows - until we try it we can not be so sure.

Sorry for what appears to be a long and ranting post - it is not meant to be. Please feel free to criticize anything you think needs changing. Have a good bitch about it. We wont better ourselves until we work on whats going wrong.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2012
I have to say, I completely agree with this but observed early on a few lines in the sand being drawn and I was too new to go against what I observed to be the proven BRTD way. I'm more than happy to go through the whole squad leader thing, place markers, even take certs that helps the group (hell, I took smokes grenade launchers and markers to help out with things). I shied away though because the way I felt comfortable leading (coming from Arma 2 / 16th Air Assault) was contrary to the perceived norm. To me, I just don't get the "everyone pick what you want" mentality, or at least I mean on a minute by minute basis. I'm used to knowing my team mates, their preferred style and placing them in squads which compliment each other. It's why I came up with the standard squad roster so that as new players come in they can see what's needed and pick from the favourites still required. I wasn't expecting it to get accepted as-is because I didn't know enough about the game, but I hoped it would spark some tactical conversations.
On the noise level front, I find it very difficult to multitask. I suspect I may have some mild form of ADHD and I agree that large reapers with shared comms makes it VERY hard for me to concentrate, even when following orders. You've all probably noticed me trailing behind everyone and being the last to an objective, well that's because unless I hear key words like "clear comms / battle coms" or actual orders then I don't know to switch attention from not dying to listening. I'm not very good at both. That's why when I lead I tend to just stay dead to look at the map. This again leads to confusion because I like to issue standing orders at the beginning of my stint like "if a base has multiple points then I want every squad to go to their corresponding point, Alpha to A, Bravo to B etc, and if you do not have a point to go to then split between the points until I say otherwise". If everyone does that then I know what everyone is doing without micromanaging, and I then feel free to get creative.
It might just be me but I'm used to high-discipline groups like the 16AA. I'm not saying we should all start drilling and taking tests. I'm saying that when the game face is needed then we should be as good as that, and at other times we can kick back.
In support of the small squad idea, it might also encourage more people to try leading if they had smaller groups to cut their teeth on first. I know I would have benefitted from being given a 12 person squad to get used to receiving and giving orders before going up to platoon level.
If it also helps, I'm more than willing to step up to the plate with any assistance required. If you want to make use of my 16AA and real life teaching experience to formulate training programs (with the assistance of the more experienced players to sense-check the content).

As I've said from the very start since joining, tell me what you want from me and I will willingly do so.
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Hitman Zeus

Rated 'Adult Only'
Nov 19, 2012
I agree Dotzor. I totally agree. I believe that recruits should at least have a month of combat and during training keep getting told that they have to anticipate what is the next target and learn to think for them-self.

Personally, I'm a secondary squad-leader that steps in when someone got to go to dinner, for fags or some entirely other thing. I know I haven't been that good to place spawn beacons and such, since its still a new experience for me leading a squad. So far I have lead a platoon once and we manage to go from North Station to Ymir and back again without any contact with the enemy. Not exactly exciting, but still.

[quote="Dotz0r" post=14068]
Reaper 2 - 48 man platoon

Alpha - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Alpha)

bravo - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Bravo)

charlie - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Charlie)

delta - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Delta)

With each squad either advertised in a platoon individually (it can be done) or even separable outside of a platoon, This will negate the need to "clear out alpha" and people getting confused because the clear out has happened and they have moved to a different squad then before you know it. You have random numbers/colors everywhere.

However, one problem - as said above. People willing to take charge. A lack of squad leaders, we are too burnt out. Until we can get our house in order the person in charge will lead the "squads" as a PL. If we could get a SL in each 12 man room - then so be it. But if not then the platoon leader will shout to all sub-channels and lead them all. A person will be nominated / volunteer to be the beacon guy / waypoint man. But will follow orders from the platoon leader who will "shout" into the other channels, whilst leading the squad he is in. This works because, it will strengten peoples thoughts towards taking on responsibility, it gets people used to following the correct waypoints and realize that the PL WP is just a marker for the general area and that their green waypoint is the objective.

The only thing I can think off that will be confusing is Alpha 4 asking for ammo, but with four (Alpha) squads forming a platoon you will have people not being able to figure out where the hell you are when you are not popping up on the minimap.

I like the idea, but I think its going to be very difficult to implement.


BRTD Member
Mar 2, 2013
[quote="ChromeNewt" post=14071]You've all probably noticed me trailing behind everyone and being the last to an objective, well that's because unless I hear key words like "clear comms / battle coms" or actual orders[/quote]
Yeah, I tend to play the same way, it's not that leading would be much harder, but I prefer to stick to the squad, sometimes I find it hard to navigate the minimap (entire map), therefore, I often trail after the squad.


I believe the best way to play is to really blop it up and try to stick together for as long as possible, even in Biolabs.
I find it very difficult to navigate within a biolab (mostly because I am a bit new to PS2), but when we spread around and I check on the map, usually I don't have any idea where to go.
However, supporting a squad is my favorite way to go, it often happens that I get out of my own tank in order to repair someone else's, or I get out, just because I see players with Ammo signs above their head, lol. :D
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2012
I'm not sure it would be confusing if Alpha 4 asks for ammo etc if the Reapers are on separate channels, linked by a command channel. There would only be one Alpha 4 visible on the minimap that way.
EDIT: Hang on, do you mean having 4 reapers, and the first made entirely of alphas, the second made up of bravos etc?! I would say very no to this, unless we went down the path of certain numbers having class designations which remained consistent.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2012
Mokushi, I think we need to either stick together or split up between those that need us. You seem to be picking up what I'm laying down here. :D


BRTD Member
Mar 2, 2013
I'd prefer we all stick together, this is why I like the game - the massive infantry strike, f*ck yeah!
I really dislike playing an Infiltrator, farming kills from the other end of the map or backstabbing with invisibility. I know it's effective, but when I play this way, I feel my balls dematerializing. :D


Active Member
Dec 17, 2012
Re: Re: Observations, what needs to improve NOW.

[quote="Mokushi" post=14078]I'd prefer we all stick together, this is why I like the game - the massive infantry strike, f*ck yeah!
I really dislike playing an Infiltrator, farming kills from the other end of the map or backstabbing with invisibility. I know it's effective, but when I play this way, I feel my balls dematerializing. :D[/quote]
You know my views on sniping, and that an Engi with the AMR66 can be more effective even without cloaking. I'll show you what I mean if you're not sure.

Aaaanyway, this is starting to go off-topic.

Hitman Zeus

Rated 'Adult Only'
Nov 19, 2012
[quote="ChromeNewt" post=14076]I'm not sure it would be confusing if Alpha 4 asks for ammo etc if the Reapers are on separate channels, linked by a command channel. There would only be one Alpha 4 visible on the minimap that way.
EDIT: Hang on, do you mean having 4 reapers, and the first made entirely of alphas, the second made up of bravos etc?! I would say very no to this, unless we went down the path of certain numbers having class designations which remained consistent.[/quote]

The thing would be in-game you have one squad of alphas, then another squad of alphas and so on. Only on Mumble we would have an idea of who is who.

So if Alpha 4 is asking for ammo, you have four alpha squads, then which is it?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
[quote="Hitman Zeus" post=14072]I agree Dotzor. I totally agree. I believe that recruits should at least have a month of combat and during training keep getting told that they have to anticipate what is the next target and learn to think for them-self.

Personally, I'm a secondary squad-leader that steps in when someone got to go to dinner, for fags or some entirely other thing. I know I haven't been that good to place spawn beacons and such, since its still a new experience for me leading a squad. So far I have lead a platoon once and we manage to go from North Station to Ymir and back again without any contact with the enemy. Not exactly exciting, but still.

[quote="Dotz0r" post=14068]
Reaper 2 - 48 man platoon

Alpha - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Alpha)

bravo - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Bravo)

charlie - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Charlie)

delta - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Delta)

With each squad either advertised in a platoon individually (it can be done) or even separable outside of a platoon, This will negate the need to "clear out alpha" and people getting confused because the clear out has happened and they have moved to a different squad then before you know it. You have random numbers/colors everywhere.

However, one problem - as said above. People willing to take charge. A lack of squad leaders, we are too burnt out. Until we can get our house in order the person in charge will lead the "squads" as a PL. If we could get a SL in each 12 man room - then so be it. But if not then the platoon leader will shout to all sub-channels and lead them all. A person will be nominated / volunteer to be the beacon guy / waypoint man. But will follow orders from the platoon leader who will "shout" into the other channels, whilst leading the squad he is in. This works because, it will strengten peoples thoughts towards taking on responsibility, it gets people used to following the correct waypoints and realize that the PL WP is just a marker for the general area and that their green waypoint is the objective.

The only thing I can think off that will be confusing is Alpha 4 asking for ammo, but with four (Alpha) squads forming a platoon you will have people not being able to figure out where the hell you are when you are not popping up on the minimap.

I like the idea, but I think its going to be very difficult to implement.[/quote]

I think he's suggesting that we should start making all squads in a platton accessible from the squad menu so people may join specific squads in the platoon without the platoon leader having to manually move people around, this will help the players keep track of what squad they belong to and what number they have.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2012
Re: Re: Observations, what needs to improve NOW.

[quote="Hitman Zeus" post=14081][quote="ChromeNewt" post=14076]I'm not sure it would be confusing if Alpha 4 asks for ammo etc if the Reapers are on separate channels, linked by a command channel. There would only be one Alpha 4 visible on the minimap that way.
EDIT: Hang on, do you mean having 4 reapers, and the first made entirely of alphas, the second made up of bravos etc?! I would say very no to this, unless we went down the path of certain numbers having class designations which remained consistent.[/quote]

The thing would be in-game you have one squad of alphas, then another squad of alphas and so on. Only on Mumble we would have an idea of who is who.

So if Alpha 4 is asking for ammo, you have four alpha squads, then which is it?[/quote]
But you can't see anyone not in the reaper platoon, so that wouldn't be an issue. What would be difficult is having a mumble room full of alphas and the minimap not matching. I have the feeling perhaps I'm not seeing the point from your side, as the mental image I'm getting is simply madness.

Just out of interest, why are we not using the organisation given to us by the game? Reaper = Platoon, squad = squad. Why do we insist on the mini-zerg when it does seem evident that so many have issues with it? If we have a lot of players on at once then I can see how scaling up would help command, but that must be tempered with greater radio discipline. Most nights I see a maximum of two reapers / platoons. Is it simply because there aren't enough squad leaders willing to share the load?

EDIT: Ahh, I read Yami's post and I see what you mean. In which case, if you can recruit at the squad level then use the "Reaper 1 Alpha" designation. It's still under the same platoon / reaper once joined, yes?


New Member
Dec 4, 2012
Re: Re: Observations, what needs to improve NOW.

Thank you dotzor and i can't agree more, ive almost given up trying to call out battle related information as the chatter is too much. At least let us have one smaller squad more focused on the action without all the chatter (not picking on the chatter here, i just like to play in a different style).

And i think, no im certain that smaller focused squads is the way forward, it is also a far less daunting prospect for new SL's to step up to lead 12 people than 48.
Id pick up squad lead, but honestly don't feel i can do a good job of it with the few hours i can put in a day im even far from being on top of my own game, got beacon and some of the other leader certs.


Certified walrus
Nov 6, 2012
I agree, I was actualy quite supprised at the speed at which I was accepted into the outfit back in beta but I had done my very best in order to be accepted so therefore I assumed everything was okay. I have noticed a very sharp drop in BRTD gameplay since launch. I do not know how exactly it happened but it seems to me we were a lot better back then. I don't realy have much to add to your post but I agree wholeheartily. Perhaps it has to do with the increase of recruits since launch, perhaps it has to do with lack of higher ranking members but we should definitly slap ourselves and get our act a bit together. I still vividly remember my time in beta with BRTD and I would hate to see it degrade. I will try to do my part a bit by playing medic or engineer more often but fact remains: we practicaly never implement the tactics we drill into our recruits anymore. IT has been far too long since I have heard the order "heavy's out" for example.

Well, let us hope that we can return to what we were in beta.


[quote="Hitman Zeus" post=14072]I agree Dotzor. I totally agree. I believe that recruits should at least have a month of combat and during training keep getting told that they have to anticipate what is the next target and learn to think for them-self.

Personally, I'm a secondary squad-leader that steps in when someone got to go to dinner, for fags or some entirely other thing. I know I haven't been that good to place spawn beacons and such, since its still a new experience for me leading a squad. So far I have lead a platoon once and we manage to go from North Station to Ymir and back again without any contact with the enemy. Not exactly exciting, but still.

[quote="Dotz0r" post=14068]
Reaper 2 - 48 man platoon

Alpha - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Alpha)

bravo - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Bravo)

charlie - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Charlie)

delta - 12 man room (Advertised as www.BRTD.net Reaper 1 (Delta)

With each squad either advertised in a platoon individually (it can be done) or even separable outside of a platoon, This will negate the need to "clear out alpha" and people getting confused because the clear out has happened and they have moved to a different squad then before you know it. You have random numbers/colors everywhere.

However, one problem - as said above. People willing to take charge. A lack of squad leaders, we are too burnt out. Until we can get our house in order the person in charge will lead the "squads" as a PL. If we could get a SL in each 12 man room - then so be it. But if not then the platoon leader will shout to all sub-channels and lead them all. A person will be nominated / volunteer to be the beacon guy / waypoint man. But will follow orders from the platoon leader who will "shout" into the other channels, whilst leading the squad he is in. This works because, it will strengten peoples thoughts towards taking on responsibility, it gets people used to following the correct waypoints and realize that the PL WP is just a marker for the general area and that their green waypoint is the objective.

The only thing I can think off that will be confusing is Alpha 4 asking for ammo, but with four (Alpha) squads forming a platoon you will have people not being able to figure out where the hell you are when you are not popping up on the minimap.

I like the idea, but I think its going to be very difficult to implement.[/quote]

there would not be 4 "alpha 4", its a normal platoon - with each squad in game in its corresponding channel on mumble to clear it up. (with squads being sub-channels in said reaper.)

So if alpha 4 does want ammo, only alpha channel will hear them, if it was bravo 4 - the same. And so forth.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2012
How about we, as an outfit, try out new things and give it a go at least three times to give us a good idea of what works and what doesn't? We have the Tuesday night experiment night but I see that as a small scale, proof of concept thing. What about a lab night one week, and the outfit test the other? On lab nights we have the attitude of "what will it take to make this idea work" and on the test nights that's when we look at it objectively. I work for the NHS and too many great ideas get scrapped because one manager doesn't like it and everyone else follows them. If the nay-sayers concentrate on identifying the issues rather than declaring them as game stoppers then in my experience great things come from it. I also feel that we as an outfit tend to quash ideas for one reason which has two sides: somebody suggests something when they're narked off, and then that gets the back up of the more experienced long term members. This is a band of brothers and sisters. If they're upset and lash out then don't get upset back. The internet makes it very easy to misunderstand someone and makes it doubly so to feel like you can lash back without reprisals.

I dunno, perhaps being a teacher has made me too sympathetic to all sides. :)


Nov 1, 2014
A few thoughts/suggestions. I'm guessing that some of the changes from Beta to now are lack of staff, lack of volunteers, lack luster for the game (waiting for a metagame) and the all too familiar ebb and flow of MMO's in general. What I'm talking about in this post is not a jab at the work the current staff, but the observations I have made since Beta specifically in how the training and approach of such has changed, maybe even a suggestion or two at the end..

When I first joined BRTD in Beta, we had some excellent trainers and training staff who were very dedicated to making themselves available to everyone and making sure we were trained properly---and time was taken to get to know us. PS2 is my first FPS and thus I needed some...help to say the least. One day a few of the training staff took advantage of a lull in activity and asked if anyone could use any additional help/had questions, etc., and I took advantage of this opportunity. I was taken out in a small squad of four, first into some of the areas inside the Warpgate where I asked my questions, was observed and trained & polished and then into the real world for a few fights. This is when I really learned how to play and this is one of my fondest memories, as this was the start of my real enjoyment of the game. But it was more than that too. I got to know some people, spending some one on one time together, which in turn laid the grounds to become a better player and a more confident and constructive member of BRTD. Often, I saw this happening with many of the recruits during Beta...taken out in small groups in random training/polishing sessions when the opportunity presented itself (many of which I went on). These days, aside from the once a week huge group training sessions, (I'm not 100% sure) but I don't believe the kind of attention I described above is being given to our new (or older) members. In my opinion, this makes a big difference, not only in the cohesion of the outfit, but in skills as well.

Some time ago, I decided to pop in on one of our recruit training nights. What I observed was one frustrated trainer and tons of whining from recruits. I can understand that, as you can't just push everyone through a one-size-fits-all training session, nor put that responsibility on one person to do it. How is one person who is leading every recruit we have around a base actually seeing what "so-in-so" is weak on, or what "that guy" already has down to a science? How is the new guy to PS2 going to get a question in about where to aim? It was like an over-capacity grade school classroom with one teacher trying to teach to the common denominator.

To boil this all down sooner rather than later before this becomes any longer, we need to remember quality not quantity. Make the training session groups smaller and more specialized for the members in the smaller groups (after covering the basics on how we do things in BRTD, of course). This would help everyone get to know each other better too. Take opportunities to offer help to members, there are still enough of us older members to do this and maybe there's some newer members that are really good that can offer assistance/specialized training, etc. Also, it is the responsibility of the members to constantly work on their game play. It's amazing what you can learn if you are open to it. Everyone everywhere can always improve on something. Maybe we could have a training thread for new and old members to post what they'd like to learn/improve on and have "Class Leaders " respond to questions, set up training date(s), etc.? Another idea, after the large group recruit training (BRTD Basics), have everyone split up into groups per their preferred class/class they'd like to learn with one training staff per group for tips, tricks, questions and practice, something like that, then combine them into a couple of squads for squad practice another night. These are just off the top of my head for more in-depth training, but maybe can get a wheel or two turning.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2010
Nooblet, I love your dedication and can't find a sibngle fault in what your saying!!!

Personally from my point of view and one of the reasons I am now playing as a guest and not a member of the outfit its that people have fallen into bad habits are a bit grumpy and negetive to any new ideas!!!

This means people putting in the time and energy to develop new recruits, run small sq or incentives have lost faith because no1 sees the good anymore .. people just want to moan im afraid.... Wish it wasnt that way !!!
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New Member
Jan 27, 2013
my appologies for not having read everything, I just havent had the time yet but after skimming dotzors post I just want to make the next comment. Been thinking about suggesting this for a while now. I have often experienced in game and on mumble that the squads are totally mixed up with no organisation between people who just wanna have a relaxed laugh while playing and people who are in the mood for a serious op. So I'd like to suggest not just having 2 reapers but having a reaper for those who are in the mood for some more serious game play and having the chill out reaper for some relaxed fun. Personally sometimes I'm in the mood for 1 and sometimes the other. I think getting all like minded people in the same reaper will help a lot in resolving a good few of the issues highlighted by dotzor.

I do know that some of the problems highlighted could also be greatly alleviated with some proper in game squad management tools, but alas ... Would be great if ppl could put themselves in the most appropriate squad when joining etc. Now we often end up with a squad full of engies and another full of medics rather than nice spread, or a squad with half the members in the air etc

1 last thing for the really important orders like redeploy etc they can easily get lost in the action so pls pls repeat them 2-3 times! Is there a priority speaker function in mumble? would be usefull to start using for whoever is running the squad so when he speaks all others speaking over him are temp muted making oreders clearer
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Re: Re: Observations, what needs to improve NOW.

[quote="Raiche" post=14084]Thank you dotzor and i can't agree more, ive almost given up trying to call out battle related information as the chatter is too much. At least let us have one smaller squad more focused on the action without all the chatter ([/quote]

Welcome to my world. Been talked over when have up to date Intel to give the Reaper leader is 1 of my biggest annoyances with a Reaper.
Has been why I've slunk into the smaller squads or a smaller Reaper, at least any Intel that I can provide (and been airborne you see a LOT of movement) is heard - even if it's rarely listened to.

As with Nooblet I myself joined, along with DLC, in the beta part of PS2. Training was clear, to the point and was given the time that everyone who did training understood what was expected and what to do.
Training had interviews for potentials, as well giving a pat on the back for those who the knack for learning quicker or doing better.

I took a break myself couple of weeks back after getting burnt out a bit from a number of issues. DLC did the same - leading became a pain to do and was no longer enjoyable.
Many players DON'T listen!
When I was in training it was understood that the Reaper leader was THE person in charge, even IF they did not have the highest rank in the mumble channel at the time. The only time that was changed was when the leader was changed in game.

We should be going back to that idea. Whoever has command of the Reaper IS IN CHARGE, and only if they ask about potential targets do players pipe up. If someone is telling them what to do then if they are a higher rank in BRTD they should ask for command of said Reaper NOT talk over them or start insulting them.

After coming back I see more and more players telling others what they should be doing, how they should be doing it, and in some cases doing there own thing. Messages get scrambled, players get slow, responses get drawn out and impact the efficiency of the units.

Also seen many players laughing when they TK a friendly but crying like a child when TK'ed back. Even the other night when we were on Esamir I heard a few peeps going on about it and it's frustrating to hear. I felt like yelling on coms to grow the **** up.

I know Snap was the lead trainer for majority of the weeks leading upto, and past, final beta stage and since he's been gone the whole thing has slid downhill.

What I feel as an outfit has started to happen is that due to the numbers in the outfit itself it's a bit like "don't like it; leave" attitude.". The common misconception that there is always "someone else waiting for a spot".
That's all well and good but when the more experienced and more effective members of the outfit leave your left with someone in that place who isn't even trained up yet...

Discipline is going out of the window, and the old "Let's FARM" attitude is coming in. In fact half the conversations I hear when I'm on-line recently is "we had a good farm here" "o, it's going to be a good farm here" "Lets stay here and farm some more"....... my personal opinion on that is if you want to 'farm' kills and that is all your game play orientates around then go play BF3 or COD, cause that style of game play ruined those games and I'd hate to see it kill of BRTD's game.

You play a game for a reason, yes I understand that, we play for fun, to have fun, have a laugh and a blast and what not. BUT you also joined an outfit FOR a reason.
What is that reason? To play an mmo fps in part of an outfit, a TEAM.
Caring more about where the nearest farm is not part of the game play here. This does not have a tiny tiny map with which to milk kills.
The map is vast and there is always something to do somewhere.

I also know the age old "I hate ghost capping" comments. Yea, so do I. I don't like going back around the backs of the battlelines in order to weaken the front lines.
OO you see what I did there! I explained it in a team mechanic way - WEAKENED the front lines by back hacking the rear.

Who's to say you then don't take your unit and hit the battleline in the rear? Creating 2 directions of attack? I've never seen that idea explored.

The problem is that many players want the EASY fight. You don't like the hard fights, those were the sway of battle goes back and forth and you don't like getting your hands dirty. Soon as something gets too tough it's "Let's look elsewhere" "oo Indar looks easier"

Majority of players are SPINELESS. They want the easy fights, the easyest kills, the 100-1 kill ratios, they want the overpowered weapons and hate been killed so easily when they are expecting to kill everything they see.... what happened to the other players, those of us that want to fight and want to have that tactical approach... Those of us who enjoy the dirty fighting.... drowned out by the bulk of players wanting something easier is where we are.

When in a Reaper I go where am told - even if I don't agree with it.

There is a difference between a hard battle that could be won, and a battle that has no chance of been won. And the line that divides these 2 is often overlooked.

Some players excel at getting good kill / death ratios by been an attacking force and not lingering in just 1 place for hours on end to do so.
Frankie is 1, Redsnow is another - Stevo in his Lib does a lot of damage when the battle line is constantly moving, and I do a lot better job of clearing the skies when we are not bogged down.

Staying in 1 place only tells the other factions where we are. "Mani biolab - heavy TR there and they are not branching out, lets take the places around then hit from 3 sides."
There is no tactical advantage from been sat in 1 area for an extended length of time UNLESS it is strategically wise to defend it.

"But you don't get to farm as well when your moving around" I hear some say. Well what is the point of all that farming and getting all those certs if it's only going back into your personal farming and not into something important to the team?

Many have said, and keep saying, they don;t like Infiltrators... fine, that is your personal preference. How many fellow BRTD live's I have saved by been that accurate ****er that you keep disrespecting? It's COUNTLESS!!!!
The times when you turn around and see a dead hostile next to you "Where did that come from?" Comes into your mind...

I don't get gratitude for it, it doesn't get noticed by you even if you were looking at him as he died, your not grateful and with that attitude you never will be.

Every single class/weapon/vehicle and add-on is there FOR A REASON - if the quiet players weren't there watching your ass you wouldn't have your little farm going on anyhow.

When the meta game hits and changes the way the game works then you WILL need to open your eyes to the idea of back hacking, harassment tactics and what you consider the underhanded weapons cause if you don't then no-one will want you near them. If your not going to watch your squad mates backs then they won't want to watch yours.

Bit of a frustrated post and I'm not naming anyone. But something needs to change, or BRTD will just be another big outfit going no-where...
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Like to kill every mutha fecker in the room ;-)
Staff member
Dec 18, 2012
Hi all

This is my second post as my first was lost… website error… I did the normal back in IE but it appears that I lost it all.

Yesterday seem to be a day of testosterone fuelled people who just could not get along. It was getting very heated in mumble to the point where some of us where trying to diffuse the situation. No really the best thing when some of the people are respected individuals. Anyway

I would like the learn new ways to play the game but sometimes feel that we do not play as a team or not the team that I believe that we can play. I am finding that some of the request that SL make can be a little un-realistic or that the objective has changed and then you get confused as to what you are supposed to be doing.

I do hate the comments “Well I have been asking for like 10mins for you to get over here”. When the objective has just changed and you have blown all influence and are waiting on timers for mechanised units to become available.

Perhaps we all need to work as a unit and not whore all the kills. Why do people go on about wow my K/D is blah… if it really matter then play single player. Some of us don’t have high K/D because we are pull Sunders / Galaxy or just running around the map.

I could go on and on, but I want to change the way we function as an operation unit. We need to diversify in the way we fight / play. If you think about it we are like the zerg at the moment run to a base and then cap it run to the next, wash and repeat.

We need to use other methods, like Frankies idea of small squad of 12 that would perform take downs etc. Just think if we were all playing together fighting as an elite unit and we need let’s say a special task performed that SL / PL could request that that Squad complete that task. It would enable SL / PL to be more unpredictable. It would make us more feared than what we are. (Some people can’t accept change, I have to deal with it every day with my work)

We need to use Rolfsky advance tactics as I’m sure everybody has something to bring to the table. We just need to encourage people to be more up front.

We should use more air as an asset and not an individual vehicle. If you in a mosey then take air to air to cover the sundy / galaxy.

Perhaps it’s time for all of us to go to training. We don’t seem to have platoon training and if we do perhaps we need more. I’ll be up for squad leader training, I just want to be the best I can be along with others.

And lastly I joint BRTD because I wanted to play for the best Outfit in the game. We just need to learn to play as a fighting unit without the drama.

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