Hello everyone,
So from now on we will have a organized operations time every night for 3 hours where we will all pull together, reform our platoons, seperate channnels when nescessary, and move out as a organized team. A Poll is curently being done to decide what time is best for the majority of the outfit. During outfit downtime we will still work together and organize but there will be more freedom to do what you want in game during this time. If a event is already scheduled during this time then it takes priority over this set time.
Our goal is to have at least one squad leader online almost all the time to provide the ability to have a organized team throughout the day if it is wanted. We hope to see more people forming friendships througout the outfit and becoming the family that we once were in Planeteside 1. Our new platoon setup is being revised and reworked and will be offically revealed on thursday's practice at 9pm GMT.
I am setting up more training times and I hope to see everyone there if possible to prep for launch of Planetside 2.
It is important for everyone to remember that this is a Beta and at this time the outfit is in a large transition preiod. In a way the outfit itself is in a beta. Things are being changed decisions are being made to try to keep as many members as possible happy. If you have a problem with the way something is being run be sure to take your comments through the correct channel, and sit tight nothing is set in stone at this point.
You can contact me at anytime through the community page or in mumble if you have any problems or suggestions and I will channel it to BigAl or Juggernaut if I can't handle it myself. I would like to improve communications within the outfit so If anyone has any questions, needs a hand with something, anything at all please contact me.
So from now on we will have a organized operations time every night for 3 hours where we will all pull together, reform our platoons, seperate channnels when nescessary, and move out as a organized team. A Poll is curently being done to decide what time is best for the majority of the outfit. During outfit downtime we will still work together and organize but there will be more freedom to do what you want in game during this time. If a event is already scheduled during this time then it takes priority over this set time.
Our goal is to have at least one squad leader online almost all the time to provide the ability to have a organized team throughout the day if it is wanted. We hope to see more people forming friendships througout the outfit and becoming the family that we once were in Planeteside 1. Our new platoon setup is being revised and reworked and will be offically revealed on thursday's practice at 9pm GMT.
I am setting up more training times and I hope to see everyone there if possible to prep for launch of Planetside 2.
It is important for everyone to remember that this is a Beta and at this time the outfit is in a large transition preiod. In a way the outfit itself is in a beta. Things are being changed decisions are being made to try to keep as many members as possible happy. If you have a problem with the way something is being run be sure to take your comments through the correct channel, and sit tight nothing is set in stone at this point.
You can contact me at anytime through the community page or in mumble if you have any problems or suggestions and I will channel it to BigAl or Juggernaut if I can't handle it myself. I would like to improve communications within the outfit so If anyone has any questions, needs a hand with something, anything at all please contact me.