[quote="Desktop" post=12496]good one, im still working on mine. any specific details on what you were doing when you got this achievement?[/quote]
i was at zurvan at the nothern hard point, and was trying to take it, but taking it slow and staying mobile, i was rushed constantly by 3-4 dudes, and mowed em down about 4 times over.
using the MSW-R with IRNV and restos, i got the dude who whined two times in a staircase cus i know he was running center or closes to the left so i allways jumed down with ads and got a very low ttk on him, fotsteps and ppl not changing their game can make a old fart like me to oversmart em
just wished MSW-R had some more ammo cus 50 rounds is 2,5 dudes
[quote="YamiNoTenshi" post=12472]Congrats man! Welcome to the club

thanks i feel young again!
[quote="Rolfsky" post=12482]Hackusation, the ultimate achievement for any gamer. It's like a Mile High Club.[/quote]
last time i was in that club was when i was playing q1 and my clan defeted SK, thats like 16 years ago