Thanks for the vote of confidence but don't be too hard on Napoleon (our PL), you have to consider that he is also getting orders from the force commander (FC). So by the time he's told us to regroup and pull X for a new push the FC could be relaying new orders to move elsewhere to try and bolster another front. I think PL did a good job considering who we were playing against and with Charlie doing whatever the hell they were doing.GG, Squad Lead rocked, Platoon lead sucked Charlie were complete balls!
Standard Server Smush procedure, a Tech Plant is a 7 minute cap, with terminals destroyed it's harder to setup Harassers inside. So you get your platoon out and fighting in more important fights and let the enemy platoon waste 4-5 minutes sitting on an empty base. Then you redeploy in on enmass and take it back with 20 seconds to spare."Why the fuck are we leaving a base we just took so it falls back to the enemy"
I knew that in the moment we got ordered to getting redeployed, but most ppl on Miller don't cause they don't play the redeploy meta.Standard Server Smush procedure, a Tech Plant is a 7 minute cap, with terminals destroyed it's harder to setup Harassers inside. So you get your platoon out and fighting in more important fights and let the enemy platoon waste 4-5 minutes sitting on an empty base. Then you redeploy in on enmass and take it back with 20 seconds to spare.
That's what should have happened anyway.
Standard Server Smush procedure, a Tech Plant is a 7 minute cap, with terminals destroyed it's harder to setup Harassers inside. So you get your platoon out and fighting in more important fights and let the enemy platoon waste 4-5 minutes sitting on an empty base. Then you redeploy in on enmass and take it back with 20 seconds to spare.
That's what should have happened anyway.
BOOH I liked it, was alot of fun.Aye, they did some moderating.
This part from Arturiel was a bunch of shit:
"VoGu as a squad did outperform everyone else in that platoon".
BERT got credit for the cap at Tumas. If they outperformed everyone, they would have gotten that cap. What a douche.